Evenly space color stops within a gradient
Being able to distribute color stops inside the gradient panel.
E.g.: I want 32 stops on a single gradient bar.
Being able to evenly distribute them instead of picking a value on click and drag it (as it is really tedious or imprecise).

Max Mugen commented
well, i'll not pay a 3rd party sub to fix another subscription software that does not fix the engine and rely on actual dedicated coders to improve the game. Quite a joke
shoutouts to AG and their amazing work.
Now also possible with third-party Gradient Forge plugin by Astute Graphics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOxmZT-40OE&list=PLVuiTl_w4-zCVN-alnz7MwsaURTB7q6VH&index=7
There are some scripts to do that.
offers two different versions that allow to create a gradient based on flat colors of selected objects (using their depth as an order). First one allows to set a number of repeats, make it loop, sharp transitions — all nice features.https://github.com/mhulse/illy-grad uses selected swatches for that.
Chris Panny commented
I agree that this would be a great feature to add to the Gradient panel. It is tedious to distribute color stops