Ability to add effects in Illustrator actions
It would greatly enhance the performance of Illustrator actions if it was possible to add features such as effects to an action. Keep all settings stored and without having to see the dialogue box for the captured effect when played back in the future.
For example, including a 3D Rotate effect from Effects> 3D> Rotate... and capture all of the settings in that dialogue box within the action whilst recording.
Thank you!

Andy, Gary, it is possible already now, using an action, but with a longer path than some might expect.
1. Crete a temporary shape, remove fill and stroke.
2. Apply a Convert to Shape Rectangle effect to it, set the value, keep it selected
3. Open Graphic Styles panel
4. Press New Graphic Style (Plus) button, set a name.
5. Delete this temp shape, create another one, for recording an action
6. Open Actions, create new
7. Select the temp shape, record your Copy and Paste in Front steps
8. Click the previously created style, holding Opt/Alt, to apply it additively
9. Open the Actions panel’s flyout menu and run Insert Menu item command
10. When a dialog appears, go to Object > Expand Appearance. Make sure the dialog recognized the command, commit
11. Now expand the appearance for real (it won’t get recorded, but you need it for the next step)
12. Repeat the step 8 (Insert Menu item command)
13. Choose the Object > Artboards > Convert to Artboards command
14. Stop recording the action
It is done, you can now check if it works. Please reply back! -
Andy Engelkemier commented
I didn't know this wasn't possible. I wanted to make an action that created an artboard 2 pixels larger than my selection.
So copy. Paste in front. Group. effect > convert to rectangle, relative 2px. Expand appearance. Convert to artboards.But I guess I'm doing this one all one at a time several hundred times.
Well, it can be done with additive styles now, but I agree