Provide an option for making artboard names / numbers visible on the artboard (like when editing artboards)
Provide an option in Adobe Illustrator to show artboard names and/or numbers on the artboard / on top of the artboard (like when editing artboards). This visible naming would greatly help to keep artboards organized in large, multiple artboard files. This would be so helpful!

An extra ability to also display sizes as well is appreciated (and as an additional column in the panel as well)
Dina Dembicki commented
I like this idea. Upvoted!
Jessy commented
I might like it in the upper left just outside the top border.
Gilmar commented
I just needed this function today...
Amber commented
Display artboard names above artboards (in standard view, not while editing artboards) similar to XD.
May be useful to allow artboard name editing similar to XD as well; double-click the artboard name to rename, instead of following a path to "edit artboards" or using the artboard panel.
Salatiel Carvalho commented
This is important!
An interesting script that somewhat solves (temporarily) the problem:
Helga commented
When working with a big number of small artboards (e.g. icons), a big part of the artboards is covered by the number. So when re-arringing them with the artboard tool, it would be helpful if the tool provides an option to have the artboard numbers/names visible – or not.
Without this, it's a hassle of switching between artboard and selection tool, zooming in and out. -
Oleg Krasnov commented
Drag it while holding the title and rename on double click.
Pablo commented
Please!!! And also, allow to rename the artboard by double-clicking on the title name directy on the workspace, just like in Figma. (See attachment).
Beata, numbers are usually get displayed when you pick Artboard Tool. Do you mean there are no labels displayed for you when you do this? Can you please provide a screenshot of how it looks for you?
Beata Gabryelska commented
now I must click artboard tool to see it.
Peter Gargiulo commented
I would also like this. Similar to how Photoshop has the artboard name always visible.
Vladimir commented
I join in the vote. Would also like to see artboards names like in Figma. It would be ideal if this could also be edited and disabled at will
Ayla Hourani commented
An option to show the artboard names in any mode could be very handy - especially for larger files.
Tony Gray commented
Can we have the artboard name at the top left corner like Adobe XD and double-clicking the name will allow you to change the artboard name? Even handle to change the size of the artboard.
Edu Couchez commented
One of these few things I feel more productive in Adobe’s XD, is the capability to quick move and rename the art boards right from the main view, without taking your hands off the mouse.
In Illustrator, usually it’s two or three clicks away, under menus and tabs, or command keying to change to “art board selecting” tool. By far, those are time consuming breaks in the cognitive process, needing to focus on a repetitive task, specially when you have to manage big projects with more than 20 artboards.