Smart guide show projected extension of another line when hovering
This is a basic feature in CAD programs. When you are using the pen or line tools, you need to be able to hover over the end point of a line, and then snap the cursor to that line's hypothetical extension, so you can start a new line on that extension, so that each point you make can be co-linear with another.
See this video: and attached images
I can't say how many times (probably in the tens of thousands) in my career when I have had to drag out a construction line extension just so i can start a new line that is co-linear, or at least starts co-linear with an existing line, and then delete the construction line when i am done.
We can have somewhat similar using smart guides, as Line Extension, but only for a straight segment, connected to straight segment from both sides (and there is a specific bug report about that —
But yes, sure, we should have this projection type smart guides. -
Violet C commented
Yas. This. Illustrator has Smart Guides, I appreciate that... But mostly, I work visually. I'd rather see how far I'm straying from the original than paying attention to the dX/dY value.
I think a kind of 'ghost' shape of the original will help. History of the original shape would be appreciated, but just the last form of it as a guide would be great, too.
Violet C commented
I'm trying to modify a letterform. I divide the shape and create some space in one part. But I want to maintain the straightness/angle of the side I'm adjusting. As I move an anchor point, I'm not sure if the angle is maintained. No guide easily helps me do this.
Yes, I could duplicate the shape for a shape guide, and place it behind the shape being modified, give the shape guide a different color. But I will have to do this every time I modify a shape.
Maybe the guide already exists - pls. correct me if this is the case. Thank you.
Anonymous commented
In the latest update (24.3) you made it possible to snap to glyphs and also to the angle of a glyph. I would like to see this for 'normal' shapes too.
If I'm drawing with, for example, the pen tool and I'm just making lines, I would like to have a guide show me that a certain angle matches the angle of another shape (or previous part of my path).
Let's say the other shape I'm referring to is an outlined capital A. If I want to match the angle of one of the sides of the A, I cannot create a line that is bigger than the shape itself, without losing the exact same angle.
Jeremy commented
It would be nice if I could have some smart guides show up on screen while drawing lines - but have the angles based on the last line I've drawn. Right now, smart guides are relative to the screen orientation - I'd like an option so that they are relative to the lines I'm drawing, as I'm drawing them as well.