Radial Repeat rotation angle value in Control and Properties panels
It would be nice to be able to directly enter the exact angle of rotation in the radial repeat options panel. Why is it missing? You can control the number of objects and the size of the circle, but not the angle.

A related request:
Radial Repeat Shift angle constraint
http://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/601447/suggestions/42444832 -
Eric Holloway commented
The shift lock rotation should be decided based on how many iterations there are. so if there is 12 iterations it should be divided by 360 making the shift lock at 360/12 = 30 degrees. or for 8 iterations 360/8=45 degrees. I need more precision and control with this tool. I use it a lot. and its hard to make precise repeating patterns.
David commented
Why can't we restrain the angle like EVERYTHING else?! Do programmers even work with designers to develop these?!?
Dmitry Grigorev (Alieneye) commented
Can't understand why it's missing.
Also, when you are changing radius, you will immediately change the angle. -
We can control the number of instances, the exact radius, but the only way to define an angle is the round knob on canvas — which does not get dragged when you disable the bounding box, and which does not react when one holds Shift to constrain the angle.
Eyeballing is not the only way people create illustrations, you know.
Hans commented
Egor Chistyakov:
The option missing is an input for angle. Right now you have to do it manually and there is also no way to hold down shift to lock it at 45 degrees.
Hans commented
It would be very useful if we can get inputs to adjust angle/rotation and option to shift lock rotation changes to 45 degrees.
Hans commented
This is very much needed! It would also be very nice if the circle can be changed to an oval shape aswell.
Harrington, there are some, available in Control and Properties panel, along with the Options dialog. Which options do you think are still missing?
jakes_waystation@hotmail.com commented
Here's an image that might help
Harrington Witherspoon commented
Love the new repeat function! But as you might guess, when creating final artwork for a pattern repeat, there is the need to have exact control (more than just the sliders--but actual ability to have numeric control).
Makes sense?Thanks!
Steve D commented
First of all, I'm LOVING the new object repeat function! This is one of the best new features to be added to Illustrator in a long time! With that said, it's still a bit rudimentary in it's functionality (at least when it comes to the radial repeat). It would be great if you could add the option to choose the rotation angle of the object when you repeat it. For example: If I have a star shape and I want to repeat the star but keep the top point facing up I should have the option to do so. I know that you can go and change the angle of the object manually once you've created the repeat, but it'd be nice if it were an option built into the repeat window as it would save us a step. Also, it'd be nice to be able to allow for rotation of the entire repeated group within the repeat window - again, saving steps.