Rearrange artboards on canvas accordingly to their order in the Artboards panel
If you use artboards to have pages, swapping wo of them could be a nightmare.
1. Allow Ai to rearrange artboards on canvas as the order of items in Artboards panel suggests
2. Add Swap Selected artboards maybe, when exactly two artboards are selected

[Deleted User] commented
And please, don't forget the messy ones, who use the document space AROUND the artboards to store things (I know, not the best of practices, but during iteration mode, seems important)
J Berlin commented
I am very happy there is some movement in this idea, but swapping two is not enough! Pleeeeease establish a second system of order:
Sequence in the way artboards are arranged on the screen where the 10th is the 10th and the 11th is the 11th and not only chronological as it is now where the 10th on the screen is the - say 23th - when you save as PDF.
J Berlin commented
OMG! Adobe! Finally! That I may still experience this in my lifetime!
Jürgen, you can change the order of artboards by dragging them directly in the Artboards panel. Sure it will not rearrange them on canvas, but the order of pages in multipage PDF will change.
But yes, numbering is a thing you can’t change.
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Juergen commented
This goes back to a post from another user 11(!) years ago. He then wrote:
I'm currently working on a project which involves over 16 artboards in the same document, though when i want to change the order of the artboards [for saving as a PDF] i have to move all my artboards content to new artboard, etc.etc.
This is really annoying, especially when i want to insert a new artboard between some excisting ones.
So is it possible to somehow change the order of the artboards, or they numbers [basically the same]?
And still, 11 years later there is no answer to this. Artboards only are numbered in CHRONICAL order (i.e the TIME when I created the artboards. Why???) So when you move the artboard order for saving (as described) to PDF only the CHRONICAL order is considered. Why is there no way to SWITCH to an order where the ACTUAL ORDER ON MY CANVAS is taken into account? PLEASEEEEEEEEE!!!
(Yes, I know I can change the artboard numbering manually in the artboard palette but have you ever changed a huge document that way? And no, this is not a job that would be better done in InDesign as a have a lot of vector-data that need to be handled in illustrator.)
Jürgen, Berlin -
Davia commented
Organize and name artboards