How to select non filled shapes just by clicking on their surface?
How can I select a shape/object without a fill just by clicking on its surface?
I don't want to click on the stroke, since that's slower and less practical than clicking on the middle of the shape, I don't want to click on layers nor any slower way to do it.
If what I want is not possible, then that would be a very clear sign that Adobe is very, VERY stubborn against selecting by clicking on the middle of the shapes, for no reason at all, since there's no problem in putting an option for it on the settings window.
Don't get me wrong, I love a few things on Illustrator, like the Hand tool working by holding its key or the Ctrl, Shift, and Alt tool modificators/changers, I love these things, but I just can't be selecting shapes by using unnecessararily complicated ways.

Lance commented
It may be helpful to think of an objects main/parent opacity and its fill and stroke opacities as three separate settings, since they can all be individually adjusted in the appearance panel.
As a workaround you can set any shape's fill to some color and then set it's fill opacity to zero in the appearance panel. A shape with this appearance setup will act like a filled shape as far as selecting by clicking anywhere within its boundary, but for visual and color blending purposes acts as if it has no fill applied.
This may not be suitable for all circumstances wherein more complex things are required, like knockouts, blending groups, blends, meshes, or others. I haven't tested very extensively.
Also worth noting is that the Transparency panel's Opacity setting will display the setting for whichever opacity setting you have highlighted/selected in the appearance panel.
When the object's fill is set to 0% opacity and that line/setting is highlighted/selected in the appearance panel, the transparency panel's setting for opacity reads 0% even though the stroke is still visible (because the main/parent object's opacity is still 100%) Changing to the main/parent opacity line in the appearance panel will set the Transparency panel's opacity setting to 100%.
See these screenshots for visual examples.
William, you are a Corel Draw user, no doubt :D
Sure, this is a nice option to steal.