Edit a Brush like a Symbol, on canvas
To edit a brush stroke, we have to do the following:
1. Edit the panel
2. Grad the brush and drag it onto the canvas
3. Edit
4. Alt+drag it over the original brush
5. Think about applying changes to existing art if the brush is already used
Meanwhile, editing a symbol looks like this:
1. Double-click a symbol
2. Pass the warning (or disable it once)
3. Edit a symbol
4. Double-click on the canvas or hit Escape to finish
Looks like almost the same length... but clicking is faster than dragging and aiming. Why no use the same approach for brushes?
Double-click the brush stroke in the panel, get a Brush Option dialog that is not modal and allows to work with the canvas below, give a brush stroke in the isolation mode, finish on clicking OK/Cancel or Back, with Save confirmation.