Mark starting points and directions for paths
We know nothing about where a closed path starts and which direction it has.
We can cheat it and apply an arrowhead or a brush to see that, but perhaps you just should mark the first points of paths with something else than a square? Like a triangle?
Come on, look at Corel Draw, look at Affinity Designer!

Oleg Krasnov commented
Affinity Designer
Oleg Krasnov commented
Oleg Krasnov commented
Also selecting handles like with PathScribe
You were able to reverse a path direction from the Attributes path, true, BUT only when it was a part of a compound path. But now it is available from the menu for any path. This used to be new when I commented on it :)
(Edited by admin) -
Anonymous commented
Reverse path direction can't be that new, and you can even assigned a hotkey if you use it often (as I do)...
Ryplay commented
no. "reverse path direciton" isn't new command, I remeber it using illustrator 10, or may
be even version 8.But you're right, displaying path direction is realy usefull.
Hans-Peter Banitz commented
Are you sure this is new? I've been using Illustrator since Freehand died, and I feel like I've been using it ever since, because Command-8 rarely works properly.
You can simply change one by Object > Path > Reverse Path Direction (pretty new, I admit).
As for the displaying — you have my vote. Corel does it right by displaying both starting point and direction. -
Hans-Peter Banitz commented
... as well as simply changing the same. The running direction is sometimes important when preparing plot and milling data.