Export Oversampling
- Often when exporting from AI at 1x scale the anti-aliasing quality is not optimal.
- My current workaround is to export at a larger size and downsample in PS. I typically require 1x and 2x sizes, so I will export at 4x and then choose a resampling algorithm based on the artwork.
- Imrpove the image quality of exported images from AI
Proposed Solution:
- Add ‘Oversampling’ as a per-scale export option, this could be done with the following parameters:
- Oversampling [toggle] : on, off
- Quality [combo] : 2x, 4x, 8x, etc.
- Resample Mode [combo] : Bilinear, Bicubic, Bicubic Sharper, etc.
I’ve attached a very simple example; a 1x export (png24, AA Mode: Type), followed by the same image exported @4x and downsampled in PS to 1x using Bilinear, and Bicubic algorithms.

Yeah, Asset Export is very crude when exporting images... the price of the speed.
Here, a user made a comparison about this: https://www.craft.me/s/8F3uOEB2ECGXWv
Save for Web (Legacy!) is still the best way to assure nice antialiasing... even though it was never as nice like in Xara, it was always 'posterized' a bit.