Dimension tool improvements
The dimension tool is a really helpful thing but some improvements would be appreciated.
As stated in other posts, please include the possibility to add user defined scalings, including decimal numbers like 1:1.5 and other ones, like 1:15.
According to ISO standards, the dimension text should sit above the lines, as viewed from the right. This would be a great option, because at this moment I don't use this tool regularly because of this.
When dimensions are too small, there should be an option to move the text away, either to the right or the left. Of course this can be done afterwards but the whole thing has to be expanded to move the text. Maybe this could be improved somehow.
Arrowheads with small dimensions now overlap. It would be better to revert them to the outside if necessary.
Architectural diagonal slashes are missing from the list of arrows and stroke endpoints. Those would be great!
See attached file for details ...

Jeremy commented
Some add'l improvements that would be greatly appreciated:
• Higher precision settings. At least to 1/8" but 1/16" would be great as well.
• More formatting options for foot inch/ e.g. 7" instead of 0'-7"
• Dimension text centered with the dimensions line as option, with a break in the line to accommodate the text.
• Scale options (custom as well) in architectural format in addition to engineering format (e.g. 1/2" = 1'-0" in addition to 1:24)
• Options to show dimension text rotated 90° - separate options for vertical, vs horizontal dimensions.
• For "Line Type", give us all the standard stroke options.
• Add an option to dimension a center line - centerline line style - maybe as an option key when pulling the dimension to turn it on/off for one or both of the extension lines.Thank you for finally adding this as an alternative to expensive plugins! It is greatly appreciated!
New idea from comment
This comment was upgraded into a new idea: Make more improvements to Dimensions -
Thiago Zanolo Mainente commented
The dimensions tool is great, I'm using it a lot, thank you so much. I have some ideas that will improve its functionality:
- Create dimensions styles, so I can choose a style with the scale, font size, colour, etc.
- Create a dynamic dimension, as we get in ArtiosCad: If I put some dimensions in a rectangle if I change its position and size it, the dimensions must reflect the changes
- Ability to chose some default settings for dimension's layer as (its colour, its name, if will it be visible and printable).