Arrange selection in Grid
I would like to be able to select multiple objects.. for example 50 circles. and hit a button to arrange these objects in a Regular Grid of rows and columns. where I can set the QTY per row and column and its spacing and it would move the objects into a grid formation. also the option for a hexagon or Honeycomb grid. would save a lot of time from doing it manually
Oh yeah, scripts deserve so much more.
As for now Adobe Exchange offers a way to host extensions (in most cases are just glorified wrappers for scripts) — — but nothing for just scripts. And we have hundreds and hundreds of them, and they cover so much gaps in UX.UV has a separate request for a dedicated script panel, please upvote it as well:
Plus there are several decent external solutions, Scripshon Trees being one of them: none for the Exchange for scripts.
Adam, would you mind me promoting your comment into an idea for it? -
Anonymous commented
Thanks for sharing that script and resource page,. very helpful.
would also be great if Adobe offered illustrator scripts in its marketplace of plugins. and a better built in script manager, to run common scripts easier.. similar to how photoshop handles actions -
Adam, it’d be nice indeed to have a feature like this in Ai natively. Count me in.
Meanwhile I can offer to use a free script to achieve this result — alignObjects by sky-chaser-high :
You’d have to specify the tolerance value to define common axes for rows and columns.
Please be warned also that scripts can’t handle opacity masks properly (you can upvote a request to fix this here: