Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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112 results found
Support for 9-slice scaling for assets in libraries
Many projects rely on the sharing of assets, but when these can't be correctly scaled or stretched due to the lack of support for 9-slice scaling, the shared library is of little use. It is especially a problem in responsive projects, where a number of items can have varying heights or withs such as menu bars, buttons and modals.
This has been a problem for years now.
When can we expect to see this remedied?
4 votes -
Support for Layers in CC Libraries
Dragging a graphic into Libraries and then using it in After effects is great BUT if when you dragged it into AE the named layers remained in tact it would be very useful.
Also nested Illustrator files (in an illustrator document) could open up in after effects as comps that you drill into to access layers. It would save a lot of set up time. Thanks :-)
4 votes -
Mobile Creations
In the 2015 version of Illustrator, when opening the app, there was a Mobile Creations section where I could open any of the drawings I had made on my iPad. While I was only able to open these if no other Illustrator files were currently open, it was at least easy to access tese items when needed.
Currently, there isn't an option for this and I have to install the older version after mine updated automatically.
It would be helpful to be able to access these mobile items easily from the landing page in Illustrator and from a customer Open…
4 votes -
Allow adding of Freeform Gradients to CC Library panel
Allow adding of freeform gradients to CC libraries. Very inconvenient to have to re-open legacy files each time I need the gradient. This gradient is used consistently for our brand packaging across different products and designs.
3 votes -
Detailed Cloud Libraries history and version control
We need a way to see the edit history for items in a cloud library, including at a minimum when an asset was updated and who made the change... as well as the ability to restore a specific version.
3 votes -
Invite to edit functionality
On a previous version of Adobe Illustrator, anyone with access to the aic file could invite new members to the document. There has since been an update where only the owner of the file can share the file to new people. Is it possible to implement an 'admin' or 'manger' to each file. Therefore the owner of the document can provide admin rights to other colloborates of the document. Anyone with admin access could then share the aic file.
3 votes -
Share for Review link name
I can see that name of my link, when preparing to share to client, but then I copy the link, ant it's name is really not with that name, that my document is, or I written in link name field. The link appears ugly and long.
It would be better to send the link to client with short name, that don't look like unsecured link
3 votes -
Allow Illustrator Cloud Documents to be Placed in Other Adobe Applications
Since the new updates with the cloud have been happening, Illustrator pushes you to save into the cloud and buy storage for said cloud... The only issue is the clouds documents only work with Illustrator.
It would be nice to link/place these cloud files into an InDesign document/project or Photoshop etc. Especially with workflows using IPads. The way the cloud is right now almost makes the cloud pointless for many professional users.
Workflow is essential, so if you update something and try pushing it, at least make it work across all areas, not just one. I understand this is still…
3 votes -
Edit Library graphic in place
Graphics you add to your library can only be edited in a separate file window. I would like to be able to edit the library graphic in place.
This would save time when editing graphics to make them more universally useful for me.
3 votes -
There are a number of issues with Adobe Libraries - Recovery, Archive, Search
Library backups/Recovery - I have just had an issue of losing a library of over 200+ logos. Whether this was because of a glitch or human error isn’t clear. One thing that is clear is that there is currently no way of recovering libraries.
Archive old libraries - Also we have old libraries which we spent time creating for all of our clients. Half of these clients are no longer working with us, we need to keep their folders incase they re engage with us however they are cluttering up the menu.
Search function - The search function seems useless.…
3 votes -
Spark icons in Illustrator
With the icons in Adobe Spark being free to use, and especially now that we have the ability to save files from Spark as a PDF, I've found myself utilizing the iconset from Spark in Illustrator (across Adobe CC really) by creating a blank document, inserting icons, saving as PDF, opening in Illustrator.
It would be awesome if this process could be streamlined with the icons from Spark possibly being added to Illustrator, Photoshop, etc. Possibly from an addon, or by adding a new live and constantly updated set of symbols similar to how Adobe Fonts has been incorporated into…
3 votes -
Creative Cloud Documents - File Management
I think one of the most important facilities for making good use of Cloud Docs will be document management. I have been extremely frustrated by the total lack of such features in the recent Document Open interface, which just lists some very small number of recent docs, without any consideration of folders, projects, clients, or other important organizational features. The OS provides us with hierarchical folders that can do a fairly good job of organizing the dozens (sometimes hundreds) of files on a project or for a client, but without some facilities for that purpose, I can see the proliferation…
3 votes -
CC Libraries: Add ability to drag new assets directly into a Library Group
Currently, any asset dragged to the libraries panel gets added to the Ungrouped section. Let's narrow the focus down and let us drop into any one of the displayed groups.
This would save immeasurable amounts of time having to hunt down and sort after the fact.
3 votes -
Linked assets swap feature
Being designing 748 cards for EDU purposes, I suggest a feature that will let us swap assets stored in the cloud libraries the way we do with symbols.
The reason :
Linked assets between documents is a very handy feature
But symbols cannot store linked assets .
And symbols can be swapped in their own libraries which is also very handy, but these libraries are not linked between documents.
As linked assets can store symbols, if we could swap linked assets containing symbols, it would be a big time saving.Regards
Rodolfo Santos.3 votes -
Color labeling of library asset groups
I would like to see colored labeling of library asset groups just like having the ability to color label layers.
3 votes -
Select CC Library color does not change the current Fill or Stroke color if no object selected
The stroke or fill color does not change when selecting a CC Library color while no object is selected. The workaround is to select an item, or draw and item and keep it selected, then change color in CC Library. The stroke or fill is updated.
3 votes -
Add custom AI templates to the CC library
Add custom AI templates to the CC library. The functionality is already programed for Adobe Stock. Allow the user to add custom templates to their libraries. Enable the bulk import of .ait files.
I noticed on another thread requesting Cloud files to show in libraries menu. That or create another menu that is for the files similar to how the libraries function. Whatever is easier.
3 votes -
Create new Library from document like Photoshop
I have a file that has 124 individually named artboards (each containing 1 icon), and was looking for a faster way to add these icons (with their appropriate names) to a library, rather than having to drag each one from their artboard to the library panel, and then have to rename each one (again). Photoshop offers this capability
3 votes -
Allow CC Libraries to store point type text
If I drag point type into a CC library, it gets converted to area type with some seemingly arbitrary width.
In general, if I drag something into a CC library, I want to get out what I put in, not something else.
3 votes -
Unlink assets from Creative Libraries
After I drop an asset from the library in a document, I want to be able to unlink it, and remove dependencies to an external library.
In my case, I'm using library to build products that I'm selling, so when I export the products for sale, I need to remove the dependencies to these libraries.Any designer who sell his products, or share with people external to a team, would have the same need.
We need to keep the flexibility of using a library (to update changes through multiple documents), but we need to make these documents self sufficient.
3 votesAs stated in the comments, one can place a library item as an unlinked copy with Opt/Alt+dragging on canvas. To embed linked copies, a user can press the Embed button in Control / Properties panels, or choose Embed Image(s) command from the Links panel's flyout menu.
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