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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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185 results found

  1. Fit a symbol on multiple 3D objects at once

    Would love that a symbol could fit on MULTIPLE objects at once, like here the bottom petal to have its symbol continue on the left one.

    And I would love if I could, from the decals box, get a ctrl/right click option to duplicate one symbol. So far, I need to add it from the symbol panel again which will reset its position to the center of the object.

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  2. [3D & マテリアル]でも押し出しのべベルの方向を外側にできるようにしてほしい。

    新しい3D機能[3D & マテリアル]でも押し出しのべベルの方向を外側にできるようにしてほしい。「3D(クラシック)」のべベルには内側か外側か選べるオプションが有りました。同じオプションを新しい「3Dとマテリアル」にも付けていただきたい。このオプションがないと、文字オブジェクトから金属活字のような物体を作成できません。(内側にしかできないので細くなってしまう)実にもったいない。

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  3. sombras paralelas

    Hola! Les escribo ya que no puedo usar la herramienta estilizar de efectos, ya que no me permite usar sombras paralelas. He intentado usar la ayuda de ilustrator y aún así no se aplica a la imagen luego de terminar.

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  4. Cut-off of Effects like Drop Shadow etc

    Working with Flexo plates, we need to cut-off vignettes at 3%, it would be great to have an 'Advanced' section on effects like Drop Shadow to cut off at a stated percentage. Currently have to work around by Expanding the effect, exporting an the image for Photoshop, using the Curves to cut-off of 3%, then relinking the image in Illustrator which also means having multiple files...

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  5. Stop with the supersampling export artboard option!!!!!!

    Seriously its becoming an irritating issue. Everytime when i want to export many artboard one short, i have to make sure i select supersampling....... otherwise it'll come out pixelated. I'm working in a fast pace environment and i can't keep double check on that option. why not just automatic just make sure the res at 72dpi come out the best appearance? Please fix this. Because if someone wants it to be lower appearance than hey, pls do click this more option. Really irritate me. Here is an image. Left, supersampling, right is not.

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  6. Automatisches Textfeld, das sich an den Text anpasst

    Bei Infografiken werden kurze Texte oft mit farbigen Flächen hinterlegt. Cool wäre eine Funktion in Illustrator, welche einen Textblock oder eine Textzeile automatisch mit so einer Fläche hinterlegt. Optional könnte man Farbe, Eckenradius, Transparenz, Grösse (über den Text hinaus) usw. bestimmen.

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  7. An option to display the background artwork when using Free Distort effect

    As an example: Effects > Distort & Transform > Free Distort which has a dialogue box where you manipulate the effect but, the preview doesn't show the graphic within the context of your design (attached sample). Because some controls like Free Distort don't have a slider, or mathematical value we can assign, it's very challenging to manipulate the graphic with any contextual accuracy. For this particular effect, and others that have a similar user experience, if there was a live Preview, or a window showing it in context of it's area of the artboard, it would minimize the nudging/adjusting/clicking that…

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  8. Effects ( fx ) drag and drop

    Just like in Abode Indesign, when you apply an effect to type or object all you have to do is drag & drop the "fx" icon in the appearance bar to the type or object you wish to apply that effect to.

    Adding this same feature will increase productivity when adding multiple effects and create a more cohesive work from program to program.

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  9. Paint, Draw, Spatter on Vector like Raster for Visual turn DigitL Artisans

    It takes conversations like this to know what customers want to dive into if they see adobe, & for years I tried but run away from adobe it was extreme even illustrator it didn’t feels like the art drawing, medium, etc. I grew up learning. No one grew up as a child to use adobe. But they can if it feels like it on screen. You are #1 and growing too, my voice hopefully adds more light that. Combine easier icons that newbies know, more raster in style (rebelle,artrage), but adobe all in one vector that combines the two, for…

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  10. A 3D outline Preview option;

    no fill just an outline. It would be of value to minimize operating memory and provide a preview of design.

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  11. Artboard Textures

    Textured artboard choice, ie canvas, wood, concrete, liquid etc.
    When new drawings happen all the work reacts according to the artboard type, ie lineworks degrade if on a canvas texture. I know this can be simulated afterwards but the linework or colour fills don’t degrade accurately, it’s more a superimposition.
    I also realise this would take an awful lot of computing power!

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  12. Gaussion blur can not pantone color

    Gaussion blur pantone does not work in the application

    works in the old version

    please review the pictures

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  13. Font Style Blend Tool

    A blend tool that transitions fontstyle over a phrase. For example I will use the phrase "a maiore ad minus". The first letter A would be Times New Roman and the final word Minus is in Arial. My proposed blend tool would show the transition of fonts on the words "maiore ad".

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  14. Please Make a way to Undo Effects

    It would help a lot if there was a way to reverse effects without using the undo button. I find myself many times regretting an effect I used and not being able to undo it because I saved and closed the file already.

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  15. [MINOR BUG] Drag fx from the appearance panel unto objects... it doesnt work

    Dragging a 'completed' effect: from the Appearance panel unto a new object ( to recreate the same effect ) doesn't work using the hand grab tool.

    I want to be able to drag effects that I've already made - from one object and reproduce them unto another...

    please try to do that and see if it works for you - on your end.

    Thank you

    Not critical I found a way around it... but the convenience is nice.

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  16. An ability to lock fills/strokes separately

    An idea that makes creating fun
    Can we please be able to lock fills and strokes separately?

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  17. 1 vote
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  18. The Image Effects is not available to use, how can I access this feature in this program?

    I am not sure how to activate the Image Effects feature to access the menu. I am unable to use this while using Illustrator. Please help

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  19. Interaction in graphic styles, with several inputs

    Graphic styles is only something you apply. I would like some interactions possibilities with the graphic styles, so that you for example could get an interactions panel that told you what kind of interactions you could do (insert photo/graphic/text etc). And that when you clicked on each possible interaction in the panel, then a pin, marked box or something would highlight in the graphic where the input would take place. Like many web images have, with hot spots. Would be one way to do it. The important thing is not how it is done, but that you get to have…

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  20. Relative placement shapes in appearance panel

    When you use shapes in appearance panel and save to reuse, then the look you get is depending on the text you type in as these shapes move in relation to the text. If I want to have a square that does not move with the text but at the beginning of text, no matter how long text, then that is impossible. Would be great with more options and fix regarding all this with shapes in appearance panel.

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