Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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- Description
- Why is this valuable to you?
179 results found
Rasterize effect of bitmap is too simple
Please add some other algorithm in rasterize effect of bitmap.
in Photoshop we have pattern dither, Diffusion dither, halftone screen, custom pattern Or in Corel Photo Paint we have line art, Ordered , Jarvis, Stuki , floyd-steinberg, halfton, cardinality distribution But in illustrater we have only one algorithm.
also please able us to choose color of rastered pixels. it is very important because some times graphists add this effect to gradient or mesh gradient but they like another color instead of black color and transparent instead of white273 votes -
Vector Halftones Effect (within AI and without third-party plugins)
I would like AI to integrate a feature that can convert raster images and/or vector elements (gradients, sketches, shapes, anything..) into a perfectly shaped round dots Halftones Effect.
As a matter of fact, it is already possibile to get something similar by applying the raster halftones Effect to the element and then Live Tracing it. But the result is something uneven made of irregular circles or shape. So it is not a precise function to take into consideration.
The effect should be achieved without any third-party plugins or anything which is not already included in the full AI software release…
197 votesAi allows to use Halftone effects via Effect -> Pixelate -> Color halftone.
What specific cases are not solvable through the use of this?
Preview Checkbox defaults to On rather than Off
I'm not sure if there is a reason for this, but for the 12 years I've been using Illustrator, the effects checkbox always defaults to "Off" and every time I make an edit to an effect, I have to switch it to "On". It never remembers my setting and there is no way to make it default to On. Either would be acceptable.
Many thanks for everything.
99 votesHi Everyone,
All the effect checkboxes have now been set to ON by default, and are sticky (meaning that if you disable preview, on next launch of Illustrator preview will remain disabled). This functionality now is available in our latest release build – 24.1.1 for Win and 24.1 for Mac which is available worldwide now.
What’s new in 24.1:
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback.
where is the inner shadow effect?
Photoshop has it, InDesign has it, even Sketch has it. It's such a fundamental feature. Of course we can use some techniques to simulate the effect, but why Illustrator lacks the most basic function?
65 votes -
Photoshop Color adjustment
It would be great to have the same color adjustments than Photoshop (curve, hue&saturation, level etc...)
64 votes -
Long (Block) Shadow effect / Oblique Projection
the addition of the "long shadow" effect, which is popular in recent times, will greatly benefit the user.
Captura de pantalla 2024-03-16 165022.png 158 KB -
Captura de pantalla 2024-03-16 165048.png 93 KB -
Captura de pantalla 2024-03-16 164213.png 109 KB -
Markee Ag.jpg 2095 KB -
003-plugin-ui-menu-about-org.png 18 KB -
7OlFPrroZc.png 101 KB -
shadow.jpg 284 KB -
21.pdf 772 KB -
long shadow.jpg 6 KB -
Screen_Shot_04-18-18_at_12.51_PM.PNG 36 KB
56 votes -
Add motion blur effect
We have radial, gaussian, but no motion blur. Please, add one.
51 votes -
3D shadows color and opacity change
3D effects give only a black shadow that makes 3D object's color dirty, greyish. And it looks like 90's 3D effect. Possibility to change the shadow color? Or the shadow color bases on the object's colors and thus makes the diffuse.
44 votes -
Effects do not rotate (drop shadow) or scale (e.g: gaussian blur)
If you create a logo and use the drop shadow effect, the values will scale but not rotate.IN packaging design we often rotate the logo for every panel on a carton. After you rotate the logo you must manually change the values to for example get the most popular bottom right drop shadow on all logos.
Gaussian blur can be sued to make a your own drop shadow effect, but that has another problem in that the blur amount will not adjust.
If you search your home or local supermarket, you will eventual find items that went incorrectly to press,…
43 votesThank you for reporting the issue. We have added the issue to our backlog.
With Best Regards,
Raghuveer Singh -
Add Shear and Taper to Transform Effect (or add as Warp effect)
Shearing and tapering are ones of few operations that can't be automated procedurally.
Using 'Free distort' is very inconvenient, because it works in small dialogue window that doesn't show actual artwork (it doesn't even have Preview tick! — I'll add another feature request about it). Although 'Stylism' plugin from AstuteGraphics solves problem with control, revision is definitely required.
Shear tool and Free distort tool are fine, but they are live tools, and won't help to repeat same the effect later if needed.
Please, add shearing and tapering either as part of Transform effect or new Warp (both as effect and…41 votes -
Ability to edit a graphic style in Graphic Styles
If I want to edit an existing and saved graphic style, I have to apply it to an object, go to Appearance, make changes, open Graphic Styles palette again and Alt+Drag object with style over style thumbnail (or dig into the menu to redefine it). This is very long way.
If I just select a style and go to Appearance and make changes — the link between style and appearance will just vanish (the name of style vanishes), these changes will apply only to new art, and style itself won't be changed (unless I redefine it immediately).
Please, make a…36 votes -
Blur object background
I'd like to see a blur option where objects behind an object appear blurred such as in the attachment. This is something that, I believe, can be achieved in CSS so it would be good to have the ability to use such an effect in Illustrator.
34 votes -
Allow to make folders in Appearance Panel
Appearance are the most powerful feature of Illustrator, but the learning curve is difficult and for Advanced User it's difficult to manage and remember what are doing what in a Complex Appearance (cf. Screenshot where I had to use Colors to identify properties…)
Please allow to have folders in the panel (like in Ps: "Pass Trough" blend mode, knockout, vector mask based on "Convert to shape" with 9 points proxy…)
It will be more easier to understand Complex Appearance samples and for Advanced users, it will be way more efficient.
Another related request:
Allow to rename attributes (fills, strokes, effects)…27 votes -
Ability to save presets for each tab in 3D and Materials panels: Object, Materials, Lighting
Illustrator allows us to save appearance attributes as graphic styles, but recently we got the complex 3D and Materials effect that has a lot of different parameters in it.
The current system allows us to save all of these parameters altogether: extrusion depth, rotation angles, material settings, applied lights...
But if we need to save ONE of these — that is, for example, only the material, or only the lights, or only extrusion and rotations, — Ai does not provide means to do it.Please introduce a system to save presets per each tab the 3D and Materials panel has:…
27 votes -
Allow to rename attributes (fills, strokes, effects) in Appearance Panel
Appearance are the most powerful feature of Illustrator, but the learning curve is difficult and for Advanced User it's difficult to manage and remember what are doing what in a Complex Appearance (cf. Screenshot where I had to use Colors to identify properties…)
Please allow for all the items in the panel (fills, strokes and effects) ) to get custom names.
It will be more easier to understand Complex Appearance samples and for Advanced users, it will be way more efficient.
Another related request:
Allow to make folders in Appearance Panel votes -
Adding 'Gradient Feather' function similar to InDesign would be great.
It makes masking in Ai a lot more convenient.
26 votes -
Dynamic Offset Path
Because I make maps using Illustrator, I tend to work with loads of strokes for hundreds of streets. So far I've managed without outlining these strokes, or outlining by copying these strokes, converting them to shapes and then applying a stroke to that shape. However it is tedious, hard to edit and basically creates twice a set of roads - which is never fantastic.
It would be great if the Offset Path effect or function could have a dynamic nature: Reading its parent stroke's width to widen or narrow accordingly. I've attached three images:
One: with a work-around-ish 'hack' using…
25 votes -
Add Vector Noise effect
There is a way to and raster noise, but I'd love to have vector one as well, as AE and Xara and others can.
24 votes -
Ability to copy individual effects from the appearance panel to other objects.
currently if you want to copy effects from one object to another your only option is to copy all of its appearance properties. You should be able to drag or copy just one aspect of somethings appearance without effecting the other properties. say i have a transform effect on an object in my appearance panel. currently if i want to apply that to another object i also have to copy the stroke, fill and any other properties that object has. there is no option to copy just that individual transform effect to other objects. this is an unnecessary limitation that…
24 votes -
Easier way to set color for drop shadows
Right now when you need to change Drop Shadow's color, you have to click effect in Appearance palette, then click color and only then choose color.
But when you have a LOT of shadows — you are screwed (because Drop Shadows can't use global swatches:
You have to click EACH shadow and change it.
Not effective.Why not to make shadow's color appear in Appearance the same way as fill does?
It will also allow to change color of multiple shadows for one object at once (yeah, I have to layer shadows, because AI doesn't allow to tweak…
23 votes
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