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398 results found

  1. I think Adobe should purchase TypeStyler and incorporate it into iIllustrator. It would be a fantastic addition .

    Adobe should purchase TypeStyler and incorporate it as a portion of Illustrator. It would be a fantastic addition. I use it all the time but the developer doesn't seem to keep it up to speed with Illustrator.

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  2. Do not change the order of characters in the Glyphs panel

    Problem Description:
    If I've highlighted a character, and choose a different variation of that character in the Glyphs panel, the newly chosen variation moves to the left of the glyphs, changing the order of all the glyphs. This is really annoying. If, instead of the order of the glyphs changing, the blue highlight just moved on to the selected glyph, that would be far less confusing.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    1. Select a character in some text
    2. Open the Glyphs panel to see the variations of that character
    3. Select a different variation

    Actual Result:
    The ordering of the variations…

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  3. Keyboard command for "Find and Replace" Text or ability to add a Keyboard Shortcut.

    In Adobe Illustrator: Why is there not a keyboard command to bring up the "Find and Replace" dialog box or the ability to add your own Keyboard Shortcut to do this?

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  4. Tab between textboxes

    Easy "tab" or jump beetween empty textboxes for faster fill-ins. Custormer name, project number etc.

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  5. Accents / Diacritics accessibility

    i'm using Illustrator and I need to type in Portuguese/Spanish so i need to use accents like áàê

    Everywhere else on Mac OS if I long press the key I get an accent pop up, like this:

    In Illustrator, this never shows up.

    I know there are workarounds (glyphs window, other mac shortcuts and keyboard viewer) but none of those is practical.
    That accent pop up is shown everywhere else in the system except for Illustrator, which is very frustrating

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  6. remove trailing whitespace

    I would like to be able to remove trailing whitespace from images in Illustrator. I would use InDesign but I want to be about to use the flexibility of artboards in illustrator.

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  7. Drag .otf or .ttf file into illustrator and it appears as a lorum ipsum text box on your artboard

    Not sure if this is possible but how great would it be if you could drag a .otf or .ttf file (font) into illustrator and it automatically processed as a lorum ipsum text box.

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  8. Activated Font Issues

    I understand the idea of having fonts that can be activated or deactivated but it doesn't work all of the time. Half of the time I open a document and find I have to reactivate fonts. Who has time for that? I think that once the font is activated it should be stored so you can't lost it until you choose to unsync or deactivate. It's really becoming a pain.

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  9. Can't scroll through fonts and have text change while scrolling anymore...?

    I am not sure why this feature changed but I use a lot of different fonts in my industry and its great to be able to scroll through fonts and have text change while scrolling so I can see what they look like without having to click on each font to see how the text looks. This will take forever now. Is this a bug or a feature you will be fixing?

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  10. Editable Illustrator text in AfterEffects

    For years we have been copy and pasting text from Powerpoint into AfterEffects because the Illustrator file does not open in AfterEffects with editable text. Takes us ages and introduces many errors.

    Illustrator file text should just open in AfterEffects in 2018!

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  11. The ability to select a vertical row within text to change color or make it bold.

    The ability to select a vertical row within text to change colors or style.

    We design a lot of restaurant menus, brochures, TV menus, and currently to make the items and prices have its own color or style, we either duplicate and erase items/prices to change color and style (bold for e.g.), or we change each line manually (which takes some time).

    Wish to see this in Illustrator soon.


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  12. 縦書きから横書きへ変形比率をワンクリックで


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  13. Text Grammar Correction

    Text Content Correction
    spell mistake correction

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  14. Path Text when using pattern as a shadow

    When using pattern (for example, striped) as a shadow, text should take the angle of the letters.
    Currently, this takes over the angle of the pattern.

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  15. Please allow fonts to be found by typing in the name in the drop down list.

    Please go back to allowing fonts to be found by typing in the name into the drop down menu.

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    This is exactly what Illustrator allows already.

    In facet, it allows two ways you can toggle, using the 'looking glass' icon at the left of the Font Family input: 'Search Entire Font Name' or 'Search First Word only'.

    Perhaps it got changed for you?

    Anyway — if it does not behave like it should — please log a separate bug request about this in the proper forums’ section.

  16. Allow text on linked files to be editable (just as it happens in embed)

    When I embed a PSD file into Illustrator, it preserves the layers and also the text boxes, allowing me to edit the text. However, if the file is liked, Illustrator converts all text to pixels, which can cause various problems when printing. It would be great to be able to keep the text as vectors, even if not editable. But rasterizing all text just because the file is liked is a big problem.

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  17. Scrolling in Type window

    In CC 2014, when you selected copy in your document, it would highlight that font in the type window in it's appropriate alphabetical location. You could then scroll up or down alphabetically to get to other fonts. Now, when you select copy in a CC 2018 document, it moves the font to the top of the list and you have to start from the top every time to look for other fonts. I like to scroll through the fonts as I'm designing logos and having to start at the top every time is a pain in the neck!

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    With AI CC 22.1.0 version there is an option in the “Type Preferences” dialog (MAC menu “Illustrator CC >> Preferences >> Type” and WIN menu “Edit >> Preferences >> Type”) to change the “Number of Recent Fonts” and if you set it to “0” then on selecting the font in the document the font drop down list will highlight the Font Family name at it’s location and not on the top of the list.

    Please let us know if you encounter any other issue regarding this.

    With Best Regards,
    Raghuveer Singh
    Illustrator Team

  18. Variable font substitution (with different number of axis)

    I get a crash when: Having a 3-axis variable font used in a document, I close the file and delete the font from my system . Then I open the file and try to substitute that missing font by another with a different number of axis. Boom.

    I guess the perfect behaviour here would be to ignore the extra axis or use a neutral value for axis added after substitution.


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  19. In multi-column text box, Page Break command does not work

    When I make a Area Type Text Box with Many Columns Page Break [return key] does not work.

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  20. Variable Fonts in Paragraph/Character Styles

    This may well be planned already, but I would love to be able to edit variable font axes inside the paragraph style dialogue. This would be very valuable in keeping things consistent.

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