Remove canvas size limit
Can we please have the possibility to set bigger canvas size to incorporate large sized artwork.
(Please note: This item is NOT for more number of artboards per document)

Dear Users,
We have launched this feature in the latest release of Illustrator, 24.2. I request you to try out this feature and give us your feedback.
--Anna-- commented
I want a larger canvas size limit too - and maybe even custom sizing. I'm working on a 4k project with a screen flow, but I'm running out of space for the screen flow.
Valerii Mamedov commented
Remove the canvas frame. Completely.
Anna is absolutely right here. -
Anna commented
A user shouldn't have to set scale, Yogesh. If CorelDraw can figure it out, Adobe with its 7bn in revenue can figure it out. Take off the size limits, let us work at 1:1, or lose us.
Anonymous commented
Well, OUR solution (and every sign company in the world's as well) is to just use SAi Flexi Design because it has no such size limitation.
Adobe could wrangle all those thousands and thousands of business clients if they just lost the size restriction and maybe added a couple measuring tools.
Anonymous commented
What I do for Large work is I build a scaled version in of the artwork in Illustrator and then would place the scaled version into an Indesign file at full scale. And then exported the file final file output from Indesign. Hope that helps.
Vito Lazzara commented
Working at different scales will always allow space for more mistakes, whether it be at design stage or print production. In 2018, there should not be a need to work to a scale in Illustrator. I vote yes for larger canvas sizes. It would extremely help with my work flow.
er1k commented
Professional designers are used to scale their projects but since Adobe software gets more casual with every update they might consider an unlimited canvas. Seriously, I don't like the idea of having a virtual scale on my project and the zoom stays the same... think about it; it just "feels" completely weird. Affinity Designer really shows off in that category.
Philip King commented
Regarding the suggestion to have some sort of automatic scaling factor, it would have to be transparent to the user. But my work is largely measured in pixels, which is a dimensionless unit anyway, and I still run into the canvas limit. An infinite canvas would be ideal.
Philip King commented
Working on layouts for 1080p video, I create a document 1920x1080px and duplicate the artboard once, twice, three times, but the fourth crashes the canvas limit. Rearranging the artboards into columns is just a few clicks but the new arrangement pays no attention to the grid, so I have to realign the boards. Of course I have made templates to save me the hassle, but the canvas limit still hits me often enough to be frustrating.
Will commented
This is the most frustrating and unnecessary limitation of Illustrator. There's absolutely no reason why the max size is 227 inches. It's vector artwork--there should be no limit to the size. If I want to make a sign a million inches by a million inches, Illustrator shouldn't care! I work on billboards that are much larger than 227" all the time, and it's a complete pain in the neck having to make the artwork 1/2 size, then communicate to the printer why the artwork isn't correct. Just make this change already. So annoying.
Anonymous commented
I always have to work at 1/4 size for large printed projects. Also, when designing multiple artboards in 1920x1080px, there isnt room for as many artboards as I need.
Jenna commented
Yogesh Sharma, as for the "virtual scale" idea... why? That sounds like a heck of a lot of complication for something so simple. Just have an option in Illustrator preferences that allows a person to set the canvas size like you can in InDesign.
Also, I'm not sure on the terminology. When I say "canvas", I mean the space that the artboards sit on that is currently 227" x 227".
Jenna commented
I'm making a hanging banner that the client is requesting to be 60" x 240". I am only able to make the banner 227" long because of this canvas size limit.
This is so silly! Why is there a limit? Very annoying!
Jeremy commented
Unlimited artboard size is a must.
If anyone else is getting "Can't move the objects. The requested transformation would make some objects too large." when you have an obviously smaller item selected, I've noticed it's usually because there's a guide object in the selection somewhere.
Anonymous commented
Please get rid of the pasteboard limit. I get this warning way too often: "Can't move the objects. The requested transformation would make some objects too large." I'm dealing with vector, why is size an issue? Also, why is the pasteboard so touchy? I'm nowhere near the edge and I still get this message all the time. Sketch doesn't have limits—you should be more like them.
saamer naieem commented
as designer i use bigger canvas size hope to make it solution's in new upgraded version 2018 of adobe illustrator
thanks -
Jeremy commented
This is the number one complaint I hear from designers within our industry that use Coreldraw instead of AI. Please remove the size limit. Allow it to grow, as needed.
bymarcconi commented
Yes, this is a really good idea... I work with vehicle wraps and lettering, for sure it will make life easier for everyone who works with this kind job... please help me to retire my Corel draw.... lol
patrick rooney commented
This absolutely needs to be done, illustrator should be able to make an artboard that is 100% scale for the side of a bus art or a billboard, it is vector artwork why can photoshop make huge 300-500+ inch artwork but illustrator cannot, it is a feature that needs to be put in 20 years ago let alone today.
Anonymous commented
When working in large format printing we regularly create art for walls over 220 inches wide. It is further complicated that there are also requirements for special cuts on the router to help with monitor brackets or other notches to assist with final
installation. We must marry up the full wall art with vector cut shape prior to running file through another application that helps slice the wall art into multiple panels that include the required cut outs.