Remove canvas size limit
Can we please have the possibility to set bigger canvas size to incorporate large sized artwork.
(Please note: This item is NOT for more number of artboards per document)

Dear Users,
We have launched this feature in the latest release of Illustrator, 24.2. I request you to try out this feature and give us your feedback.
Tom M commented
boycott is a great idea... except I rely on the software to do my job. "I need that graphic back over to me by this afternoon" "oh I'm sorry, I can't because I'm boycotting Adobe and I don't have any software" :(
I would join a boycott if only I could keep working at the same time which isn't going to happen. Basically, Adobe have us by the short and curlies.
Anonymous commented
Ever since new countries have been taking over companies like Adobe, they start acting like their country. Ask them if what they are doing with their software (Adobe) if they do the same things like this back in their country. The Answer is: Yes! They are ignoring us because they don't care. They started creating the subscription based system so that they can laugh at you all the way to the bank. They are making so much money!!!! They don't care about us. That is why they have 1 ADOBE reply in over 2 years. I vote that you guys force them to answer, by boycotting Adobe. That will make them respond.
Anonymous commented
Stop Giving Adobe our money until they listen, maybe a temporary boycott.
Vinod commented
illustrator The dimensions of this page are out of range
Aleli Estrada commented
Please remove the maximum canvas size of 226, it is ridiculous! I'm short few inches and I require a 100% scale ugh!
TIm Varlow commented
I'm currently working on a project which requires 32 metre x 11 metre images for printing banners for huge stadia. Illustrator won't accept this size so it creates potential complications as I'm having to work at 1/10th of my target dartboard size.
Anonymous commented
If Mr Yogesh is even still working for Adobe.........
trackhorse commented
Valerii—Amen, my brother
Valerii Mamedov commented
Are you really sure you still have not enough info after 2 years Mr. Yogesh Sharma?
Anonymous commented
I think Adobe is intentionally trying to frustrate their core users. I have been using 1/10 scale and it's really not that bad, but still, being able to work full scale would be great. Also, show rulers as a default for the love of god!!!!!!!
Anonymous commented
I'm product designer, working mainly in solidworks and other 3D programs, but when I work on bags & softgoods I often use Illustrator to create my final drawings. I'm running into a situation now where I need quite a few artboards (6-8) in my file and I need everything to be to scale. Due to the size of the products I'm drawing, I can't fit everything on the canvas. This is super frustrating. Illustrator should make the canvas scaleable like in is totally impractical for the type of work I'm doing to have to scale everything down.
Anonymous commented
unacceptable answer
Curtis commented
cant believe how relevent this still is in 2019 and how many comments in the past week alone!... I only need my board to be 20' which is 234 ... just 7 inches off from 227... so annoying.... i need to design at scale!
Anonymous commented
Agree. I am working on a billboard that needs to be 291" wide at 300 dpi. It's idiotic that Illustrator can't go above 227 inches.
Juan commented
I think is a bad answer, real size is a real size and we work in big files
Anonymous commented
Hey Adobe, it's 2020 and some of us need to work on a little bit bigger than you give us credit for. give us unlimited drawing area. I dont want to have to scale down. At the moment illustrator will snap to 0.0000067 of a millimeter, so its not like the digits are wrong...
Anonymous commented
I do agree with you on most of your points. At my company, (12 artist all using AI)... we have issues. but not upgrading and saying that there are bugs in new versions just won't work for us.. we get customer art in that uses newer versions... so we must stay up to date with versions.
We have not found one "issue" that has prevented us from going to the next level except waiting for other developers to update plugins like Suitcase, Esko, Astute etc.. We are also limited in hardware.. some of us are still working on 2009 Mac pros.. but.. Illustrator still works fine on them..
Can you tell me what is the limiting factor in not upgrading? What is soooo bad that you need to stay on "3-7 versions back"
also.. anytime you jump on a dot zero release of anything you are saying.. I want to beta test.. wait for the first revision bug fix.. and no adobe cannot catch all the bugs.. if you see how many bug reports are posted and fixed in the prerelease forums you would be amazed..
lastly.. yes.. its expensive but you get a lot for that.. unless you are one of those that only need AI, PS and Acrobat.. its really annoying.. there should be a base graphic plan that's less money for that.
I personally have and use only 8 of Adobes offerings of apps...
I say upgrade to the last version.. its time.. almost all of the bugs are worked out and its extremely fast.
and I'm not hiding my user.. for some reason it won't log me in correctly.. -
Tom M commented
I signed up to the prerelease verisons of AI and PSD... wasn't impressed to be honest, and yes, I've raised several of my own feature requests and submitted my own bug reports... just before you start accusing everyone of being trolls from behind your safe little anonymous name...
seriously, I've used adobe for about 7 years now, and i'm not saying I'm a pro.... I'm just a bogstandard guy, but I get annoyed about the lack of response from Adobe like many others... I rely on it for my job, and there's nothing more frustrating then when it's physically not possible to meet a deadline because the software fails... I'm sure the new version will have lots of bug fixes, but what are Adobe doing to make sure there won't be new bugs in the new version? I've spent a ton of money on Adobe products so far, and feels like they don't give their users a lot of respect.
Anonymous commented
HAHA.... OK.. I've been using AI since version 88... while I agree there are bugs.. this does not make it unusable.. those who stay on older versions are just making excuses.. the newest versions are actually really good.. Yes, they do have issues.. you might need to find ways to work around them but Ive never had issue that are deal killers.. They ARE fixing them.. I am one of those "guinea pigs" you are referring to so unless you sign up for prereleases for yourself and give them direct communication not just post on some forums 400 comments deep, you really don't have much to say.
any yes.. they next release have so many bug fixes its crazy, so stop trolling and get involved if you want change.
Also, adobe creates the apps and unless "designers" tell them of issues, they can't fix anything..You can apply to join any/all of the prerelease programs here: -
Tom M commented
"Just wait for AI 2020... enough said.."
Are you kidding us? every single new release / update / patch / hotfix of the Adobe Creative Suite is plagued with bugs, problems and issues, and Adobe support to zilch to help. I stay around 3-7 versions behind current version, simply because new versions are so unreliable... Even when they release AI2020, I won't be using it any time soon...
Personally I think it would be better if Adobe did their own software testing, rather then using their customers as guinea pigs.