Improve Graph / Chart tool
Current graph tool in Illustrator has many limitations that need fixing. Following are some of the problems in Graph tool:
- No value labels
- Data window that requires you to remove characters such as commas
- Resetting of chart upon making changes
- Resizing issues (e.g. with bounding box)
- Missing basic chart types like *****
- No support for templates
- Also the tool doesn't support making new chart types, such as attaching data to any attribute of the artwork.

Please share your thoughts on the following:
1. Would it make sense to have a separate desktop app, just to create charts, and bring them inside Illustrator or InDesign? It may not be on cloud.
2. Or would you rather have us work on building it within Illustrator?
Tomas Amsrud commented
After creating a graph, it is often useful to resize it. If changing the width-height ratio, it now resizes unproportional.
It should be a way to resize a graph correctly.
Isaiah commented
The chart tool is our "go-to" method of creating bar graphs/line charts/pie charts, etc. for printed materials. Unfortunately, it isn't easy to all. For example, when we are making a chart with a category axis that includes years (e.g., 2010, 2011, 2012) Illustrator automatically assumes that those are numbers to be charted unless we add quotes around them. This is an arduous process, to say the least. Also, when pasting data from spreadsheets, Illustrator refuses to draw the graph until we strip out commas between thousands. Another problem: when graphing percent, there is no where to tell Illustrator that this is a percentage. So if the spreadsheet data says 15%, Illustrator first requires that we eliminate the % sign. This means we have to convert it in the spreadsheet application, which then changes the number from 15 to 0.15. So we have to manually convert the number in the spreadsheet, then paste it back into Illustrator. A tedious workaround, to be generous. Another suggestion: please add data labels as an option. Currently, if we want a series of bars to show the data label, we have to use the type tool and add it manually. Ugh. I have been using this tool for over nine years, and the chart tool makes my job very difficult sometimes. I love Adobe CC products, but this is a LONG overdue update. Thanks!!!!
Anonymous commented
Pie Chart Graph Tool should alert user when sums do not equal 100 for numerical inputs. Currently, one can input integers that do not equal 100 and risk looking like an idiot in front of the accounting department. It is very misleading to have a complete pie that doesn't actually equal 100.