Improve Graph / Chart tool
Current graph tool in Illustrator has many limitations that need fixing. Following are some of the problems in Graph tool:
- No value labels
- Data window that requires you to remove characters such as commas
- Resetting of chart upon making changes
- Resizing issues (e.g. with bounding box)
- Missing basic chart types like *****
- No support for templates
- Also the tool doesn't support making new chart types, such as attaching data to any attribute of the artwork.

Please share your thoughts on the following:
1. Would it make sense to have a separate desktop app, just to create charts, and bring them inside Illustrator or InDesign? It may not be on cloud.
2. Or would you rather have us work on building it within Illustrator?
Anonymous commented
I beta tested the Datylon plugin. Pretty good BUT doesn't do some of the great stuff promised a few years ago at MAX. and, unfortunately, a bit expensive for me right now as well. I remember Adobe having a technology preview a couple of years ago that also filled me with hope but it got cancelled never to progress any further. Not good enough Adobe,
Scott Wallace commented
Adobe might be allowing Datylon to access code and perform R&D as a beta startup just to measure success and work the bugs outside its house name. Should this prove to fall short, it can be fixed there until it does. If/when adoption has reached a certain mass, Adobe could "acquire" this into their interface, clean it up visually. A bolt-on solution isn't ideal in a "homogenized" Adobe world. But it's awesome to have another option in the meantime.
Anonymous commented
I'm frustrated that it's another tool I need to pay for though when we're already paying an arm and a leg for Adobe CC.
Theresa commented
Thurid & Deller. I've actually been using it for a few months, and really like it. Not without its own bugs, but a thousand times better than anything adobe has given us.
Deller commented
Theresa, I just saw Thurid's comment and agree. I downloaded the 7-day trial from Datylon and purchased a full year subscription 2 days into it. It basically does everything you wish Illustrator could have been doing for 10+ years and all inside of Illustrator. I highly recommend it.
Thurid Wadewitz commented
Theresa, Datylon just released an add-on for Illustrator that gives an improved graph tool. I haven't tried it out yet, but I don't think that Adobe will work on this anymore.
Theresa commented
I see that a lot of housekeeping has been going on in the uservoice. Does anyone think that someone at Adobe might actually respond to this three year old request?
Erik Laurijssen commented
Datylon is offering an advanced dataviz extension for Illustrator - check it out at
Anonymous commented
Datylon is developing a plug-in for Adobe Illustrator to create advanced graphs and charts in a very efficient way. Product Management of Adobe Illustrator is giving us full support in this.
We recently released a stable Beta version and are interested in users who try out our tool and give us feedback. You can download Datylon Graph for free at
Don't hesitate! We plan to release a first customer version by end of January2020. -
Stijn Simoens commented
Datylon is developing a plug-in for Adobe Illustrator to create advanced graphs and charts in a very efficient way. Most of the features asked for in this thread are covered by our plug-in "Datylon Graph". Product Management of Adobe Illustrator is giving us full support in this.
We recently released a stable Beta version and are interested in users who try out our tool and give us feedback. You can download Datylon Graph for free at
Don't hesitate! We plan to release a first customer version by end of January2020. -
Stijn Simoens commented
Datylon is developing a plug-in for Adobe Illustrator to create advanced graphs and charts in a very efficient way. Most of the features asked for in this thread are covered by our plug-in "Datylon Graph". Product Management of Adobe Illustrator is giving us full support in this.
We recently released a stable Beta version and are interested in users who try out our tool and give us feedback. You can download Datylon Graph for free at
Don't hesitate! We plan to release a first customer version by end of January2020. -
Anonymous commented
This tool needs a major overhaul. I dread making charts and graphs because they are so tedious and unintuitive. There need to be ways to edit the design and look of a graph prior to ungrouping—and thus, rendering your chart uneditable.
Kjell Olsson commented
Working with the graphing tools is like digital time-travel. It's frustrating and often forces you to come up with workarounds. It was old-fashioned many years ago. Both interface and functionality is in need of a complete overhaul. I hope it happens before my retirement - in 5-6 years time.
Chris Voros-Haynes commented
I would like chart creation and update function including being able to update a link to an Excel file to be either in Indesign or Illustrator please
Simon commented
Hadn't realized the limitations of this tool until now. I'm unable to align the object with anything or resize by specifying dimensions. It would seem natural to be able to style the graph (a pie in this instance) with the many tools illustrator provides, but the inability to use even the most basic on the graph object is frustrating.
Anonymous commented
If you're asking it like that, it'll probably be a separate app.
Infographics are marketable, Illustrator is kind of old school.But it'll be definitely better as a part of Illustrator, that's a more natural workflow.
Ian Aberle commented
This really needs to be kept in Illustrator. I really don't need another tool where I ask, why can't [insert the name of tool here] just do this?!?
Really hope at Adobe MAX 2019, Adobe will announce that Project Lincoln is now part of Illustrator.
Anonymous commented
Keep the function within Illustrator.
More default colors please! If you insert more than six categories, youll end up with several bars/lines/slices of the same color which makes it really hard changing colors in the next step by marking "same color" or similar. -
Anonymous commented
A preview option would be nice
Anonymous commented
I agree, I've been using this tool at work for 17 years and it has never been updated. It's so awkward and primitive. My current company is looking at 3rd party software which can seamlessly create editable graphs that don't revert to the basic design and allow you to have more sophisticated looking designs without having to rasterize it and have a separate data graph. So far we haven't found it, but have found a company that is working on developing one.
Adobe, what is the reason for not updating this tool?