Batch relink to CC libraries
I would like to be able to select more than one CC library link in a document and batch relink, instead of having to go through and manually do each and everyone.

Related to this request:
We need to multiple relink -
helloharbor commented
After nearly 6 years of paying for the app, this basic issue still persists to this date. Why this doesn't get fixed? I have one image from CC Libraries used many times in the file. I want to update or swap them all with another. And I have to relink them one by one. How cumbersome and unsophisticated does it have to be? Please help, please....orz
Von.D commented
How to update multiple objects in one document without scripts! :)
I assume you have your current document open.
1) Ctrl-N: Make a NEW DOCUMENT
2) Insert an object (for example a square etc)
3) Make the obejct invisible (no fill, no stroke)
4) Drag this invisble object into Library
5) Name it something logical, so you don't confuse it with the other items in the library
6) Drag this "empty" document into the current document (and copy it to the other locations in the current document)
7) Double click the "artwork" in CC Library to open
8) Insert your new multiple art into this opened document
9) SaveAnd Bob's your uncle.
alljeffreys commented
Thanks to Marat!!!
I've been looking for a solution to this issue. The script works but will only let you select .ai files from the finder window. If there's any way to update the script to allow the selection of image files from the finder, that would ideal (.jpg, .png, .gif, etc.)
Anonymous commented
That's crazy no one has fixed this issue lol. Way to go Adobe.
Jason commented
Hey Claudiu
Can someone save the file as I am having an issue copying the code and it is not working for me. I keep getting various errors on it and i think i am doing something wrong.
J -
Claudiu Nemes commented
Hi everyone,
Marat just uploaded his latest version of fast_relink script. You could download it from the link bellow:
Many thanks again for Marat's effort.
Claudiu -
Claudiu Nemes commented
Hi Benoit,
The last version (1.1.0) have comments in english and it's compatible with Illustrator CC 2020.
I'll ask Marat to upload the script to his github account. I'll also ask him to give me the permission to distribute his script here.Have a great day,
Claudiu -
Benoît commented
Thanks for this feedback Claudiu. Could you point out the location of the script ?
This one seems to do some batch relink but all comments in the code are in Russian so I'm not sure this is the one you are talking about -
Claudiu Nemes commented
Hi Brent,
I use to have the same problem. Marat Shagiev solve this problem by writing a .jsx script (FastRelink). I already have tested the script and it works just fine. Marat Shagiev is a very dedicated and kind person. Check this out with him at
Have a nice day,
Claudiu -
Brent Walker commented
C'mon, seriously Adobe. Do you use your software AT ALL? All evidence points to no....This is a decade overdue. I shouldn't have to have a degree in CS to write a script to relink multiple files at once! TRULY UNACCEPTABLE. DO BETTER.
Mareike Klem commented
Most frustrating things when you are sharing asset libraries and things are not set up exactly the same on various computers. Each and every time i need to edit a file someone else created or I created on a different machine I have to relink 20-30 instances for each graphic sometimes - multiply that by 10 graphics for a campaign it becomes a huge time suck for no reason.
Jason commented
As many others before me has mentioned, this is something that should of been done ages ago - why can't it be added to Illustrator? When we have multiple images on a page that need to be replaced with newer files, there should be an option to be able to single-click and replace with the new image. Printing from a template that carries 24 images up and having to replace all 24 files with the same new file is ridiculous!!!
Please add/fix this in an update coming soon.
Anonymous commented
@djohjay, this thread is about CC library links, not linked files.
djohjay commented
I Have found a workaround! Please share this in as many Adobe forums as possible.
If you need to relink multiple of the same linked file (instead of clicking relink, select file, repeat, relink, select file, repeat)
Do this trick:
Move the current image file that is linked in the document - to a different destination (different folder, desktop, etc.)
When you go back to illustrator it will tell you that the file is missing and will tell you "Some files are missing or modified in the Links Panel. Would you like to update them now?"
Click YES
The next window will pop up saying "Could not find linked file..."
Replace that linked file with your new linked file and.. Abracadabra.
Notes: As long as the images are the same DPI and Size you will be okay.
NicoleR commented
Ridiculous that this is not possible. It is a glaring issue with Illustrator. Indesign has added this feature years ago, please do this ASAP
Anonymous commented
Having same issue!!
Anonymous commented
What? Adobe likes to **** people off on purpose.
Colin Miller commented
Going to echo everyone's frustration at this. Your CC library tool is useless if it takes me forever to relink all of my assets to the cloud. There's also no evident way to retrieve an accidentally-deleted CC library asset (which is why I'm now relinking the hundreds of logo's on my artboard. THIS SHOULD BE A PRIORITY.
Bob commented
Yes, I'm shocked that this can't be done. I am having to click, relink, click, relink,click, relink, click, relink click, relink, click, relink click, relink, click, relink etc... on and on.
I have over 80 links to an object in my Library. (Not sure why they even need to be re-linked but... they do).
Unless I'm missing something, I have to, 1. select the object, 2. click the 'relink from CC libraries, 3. choose relink at the bottom of the Libraries panel. That's 3 clicks times 80 objects. 240 clicks. Is this a bug, or what?This is a feature in In Design. This is a must have for Illustrator too.