Put all Blend options and commands into one dialog / panel
Blend Tool > Blend Options Panel stinks, nothing personal.
I use the Blend tool. A lot. When I start a blend, the Properties Panel helpfully tells me that I have a Blend. Thanks for that. But I still have to go to Object > Blend > Blend Options to get any options for the Blend tool. What if the Blend tool options would magically appear in the Properties panel while I'm using that tool?
Also, the Blend Options panel will not let me make any changes to the blend other than Spacing or Orientation. How about putting the other Blend Options (Expand, Release, Reverse Spline, etc.) in the Blend Options panel so that I can make or preview changes to the blend without having to click Object > Blend > Blend Options each time?

Bo commented
The blend tool's workflow is so clunky, I get annoyed every time I have to mess with the settings, (which is 100% of the time, I never want the default blend it gives me). I would love for this tool to get some streamlining
Anna Mueller commented
Yes, PLEASE! I'm surprised this doesn't have more upvotes – I think about it every time I use the blend tool! A ton of time would be saved if there were a way to add blend options to any of the panels.
Anonymous commented
Combining blend 'make' and 'options' in one dialogue box would be a big time saver.
I’d say it better be a panel, like the one that Pattern Options has
Kevin commented
Previews exist for much more complex operations (like 3D renders, beveling, extruding, etc). Previewing and making blends directly from the blend options box is long overdue.
Dave Snijder commented
Yes. This needs work. I also suggest making better use of a more dynamic context menu. In this case meaning: right clicking on a blended-group exposing blend-related options in the context menu.... This goes for ALL features and tools by the way. Corel did this, and is most likely STILL doing this better. Sure this saves a "mere couple" of seconds. But this adds up to minutes over multiple sessions, and adds up to years in time saved over thouzands of designers.
Miguel Gutierrez commented
I also use the "Blend" tool a lot, it very annoying when you create a blend in order to branch the new blend and use one of the lines in the blend you always have to expand this take more time to do a drawing, Can you remove "Expand" step?
Ian Mackie commented
When I click: Options - Blend - Blend options...
I then specify the number of steps.
It would be helpful to have a tick box there titled: Make.
Otherwise, I have to go back to Options - Blend - Make
Just a little something that would be nice :)
Rupert Dolby commented
The properties panel just shows ‘blend’ with no options when a blend is selected. Whats the point of that?
Please can we have a blend panel, Freehand had a good one. The current one is a complete waste of time.
When the Blend tool (or any other tool that has options) is selected, Properties panel does show 'Tool Options' on the top right. It is a generic button to provide quick access to options of the selected tool.
Mike Iverson commented
Amen! I don't think I've EVER gotten the blend I wanted without having to drill back down and open the options window to fix it. What a waste of time.