An ability to resize all selected objects to a specific size
If you have multiple objects selected that range in size, say .5" to .75". they ability to select them all, then size them ALL to 2" and not just the first object to hit 2".

chen rubin commented
Add the function of batch change object size, at present you can only input the percentage, you can't input the specified value.
Thank you for your help. -
José Soveral commented
In the OBJECT/TRANSFORM EACH menu add width and height options besides Scale and Move. That will be useful for resizing to a specific width or height several objects with different dimensions, like images or icons.
onenower commented
Erik Suzuki commented
I do competitive audits using illustrator. I paste multiple images in illustrator and need to be able to make them all the same height so that I can organize them into categories. Having a way where I could select all of the images and resize them all at once would make this a simple one action process, which would save tremendous amount of time vs. having to resize each one individually. Please make this an option.
Gert Morrien commented
For my products it would be a lot faster to resize to the same width or height. I use many objects to laser on different products.
Another solution would be use a free script by Sergey Osokin, Resize to Size:
Oliver commented
Yes, this makes no sense not to have. And for the comments below, yes, I know there are scripts to do that, I don't want scripts, this is a basic feature, there's the align buttons, you would usually find selection size fitting buttons along with them. When you try to do any kind of checkered things, with different height and width per rows or columns, it quickly becomes a mess.
I agree that Adobe should do it, but meanwhile please use a brilliant script by Sergey Osokin:
There're scripts that do that. Search here
in '' section. -
Anonymous commented
When selecting multiple objects - resize all to widest/tallest would be a convenient feature.
Daani commented
Yes, I know that script. But can it scale proportionaly? Anyway, I think this should be default feature
Lewis Tsalis commented
There's a script for that... -
Daani commented
For example I have 20 logos and I want to select them all and set width to 30 px. Hight schould be scaled proportional. The "Transform each" command does not allow to specify a size. So I have to type 20 times the required values for each object.
There is a script that can help you with batch transform, named 'Set all the things': -
Lourens commented
In the "Transform Each" options, add an option to give specific dimensions in mm, cm, px etc, in addition to the current % only.