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Illustrator (Desktop) SDK/Scripting Issues

119 results found

  1. Extension drop down list Not completely visible at the bottom of the extension

    We have verified 2019 version of adobe illustrator in both Windows and Mac operating systems. drop downs developed in the extensions which are at the bottom of the extensions are hiding inside the extensions and complete data not visible. 2018 version of adobe illustrator is working fine but problem with 2019 version

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  2. CEP: Unique identifier for items and layers

    Please provide unique identifiers for all page items and layers via script.

    Right now it is not possible to save IDs of page items/layers in a variable or array and retrieve them at a later point in the script.

    At first I could not believe it that there are no IDs. This is total basic and should be a no-brainer and default.

    P.S. Current workaround: set custom tag on items. This works only as long as the user is not duplicating an items. Than you have two items with the same tag and it is not unique anymore.

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  3. Step and repeat batch script needed

    I need a script that can step and repeat hundreds of AI images from one size (scale in height/width) to another and then have the same script save the image to a web friendly JPEG format. Is there such a tool/script already in existence, or can something like this be created? Note - the original AI files do not all have the same step and repeat pattern, which makes it tricky.

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  4. Last frame in a story: textFrameItem.nextFrame is not null

    Hi together,
    the value of nextFrame of the last textFrameItem in a story should always be null. Otherwise you could thread the outport of a text frame item with the inport of the same text frame item.

    And indeed that's the case!

    See details in this thread at the Adobe Illustrator Scripting Forum:

    1. Re: [BUG] copying threaded text-frames. Laubender Mar 30, 2019 7:42 PM (in response to Laubender)

    Since this IS POSSIBLE it creates a rather strange text composition in the affected story. So my suggestion: nextFrame of the last threaded text frame item in a story should always…

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  5. Create and edit Graphic Styles with scripts


    I develop a plugin where I need to create/update/modify graphic style and/or Aspect for graphic item.
    I try many solutions, search on the web but for the moment it's not possible.

    Could you please add support for creating/editing/deleting graphic style and aspect ?
    It's very important for me ! And I think many developpers can be interesting with this features.

    Thanks a lot !

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  6. When art is renamed, no notifier is sent

    In CC2019, at least two notifiers should result from renaming art: kAIArtPropertiesChangedNotifier & kAIArtObjectsChangedNotifier, but neither is sent.

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  7. Remove Security from Scripting Guides

    Why are Scripting Guides/References password protected now?

    many times we need to copy/paste sample scripts to help new users in the forums.

    Please remove protection.


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  8. Using method duplicate() on a group of threaded text frame items will lose threading

    Hi together,
    if we duplicate a group of threaded text frame items to a different Illustrator document the story's threaded text frame items will not be threaded anymore in the target document.

    If you duplicate the group in the same document the threaded text frame items remain threaded.

    All details here at Adobe Illustrator Scripting Forum:

    [BUG] copying threaded text-frames.
    Silly-V Mar 22, 2019 9:30 AM

    One has to rethread the text frame items in the target document.
    That should not be necessary.

    No issue if we copy and paste grouped and threaded text frame items using the menu…

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  9. I can't find to fireworks cs6 If you have published a software that works differently in the past,You must have the download link in website

    I can't find to fireworks cs6 If you have published a software that works differently in the past,You must have the download link in website

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  10. Add 'Convert to Shape' to the menu command notifier list

    Please add the menu option: Object->Shape->Convert to Shape to the menu command notifiers list. (I've noticed other menu commands that also need to be added, but I only care about this one).

    I'm using Illustrator CC v.23.0.3 on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit.

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  11. Export jpg using script to specific dpi

    Export jpeg using script to specific dpi.

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  12. Adjust dashes to corner and path ends via scripting

    I have dashed lines in my drawing and want to align dashes to corners and path ends. No problem in the Illustrator stroke menu. There are two buttons with dashed lines on it. But there is no script command to do this.

    Please add script command for adjust dashes.

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  13. Wish Applescript could create more extensive dialog boxes in Illustrator.

    It would be great to be able to create dialogs with radio buttons, check boxes etc., as can currently be created with Applescript in InDesign.

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  14. Edit Appearances with Scripting

    Currently it appears only 1 appearance fill is available via scripting, and Illustrator spits out the value of whichever one is selected. What I'd like to be able to do, is loop through the appearances of layers for example, record those attributes(including layer opacity and blending modes) and apply those to fills within a single shape. As there are many more stacked attributes within appearances, it may not be this simple, but it'd be much appreciated.

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  15. [BUG] Error during evaluation of conditional (ternary) operator

    The script in the Illustrator produces an error during evaluation of a conditional expression that includes a nested conditional expression without parenthesis.

    This breaks JavaScript optimization tools e.g. Google Closure Compiler.

    alert(true ? true ? 1 : 2 : 3);

    Standard dialog with message: "1".

    Dialog with message "Error 25: Expected: :."

    alert(true ? (true ? 1 : 2) : 3);

    System info:
    Illustrator Version: 23.0.1
    OS: OS X
    Version: 10.14
    System Architecture: x64

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  16. C#/ .NET api

    I'd really value the ability to extend illustrator with c#.

    I know adobe is cross platform, but surely theres enough of a windows user base to make this beneficial.

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  17. Access to underlying Illustrator object handles via scripting

    The biggested pain point when implementing scripting support for plugins is that if you want to add objects that interact with built-in Illustrator script objects (LiveObjects) like Layers, Documents or PageItems. While it's possible to correctly parse whether you're being passed the correct scripting object (e.g. a Layer and not something else) you can't actually determine the handle for the specified object; that lives inside the ScriptingSupport.aip and has no public API.

    Perhaps a small suite could be added that provides methods like this:

    AIAPI AIErr (GetDocumenttHandle) (long hObject, AIDocumentHandle& outHandle);
    AIAPI AIErr (GetLayerHandle) (long hObject, AILayerHandle& outHandle);…

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  18. import graphic styles from file or library

    with javascript, there is no way to import graphic styles from libraries or files. there is a way to open ai documents as graphic style libraries but then there is no script access to that library.

    currently what i have to do is have an ai file with objects with graphic styles assign to them. with my script i open that file, select the objects, copy them, close the file, switch documents, paste objects, delete objects.

    this can take a while and it is a very ugly solution. ideally there should be something as simple as importGraphicStylesFromFile(File)

    or at least …

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  19. kAINamedStyleListChangedNotifier is not emitted when a Graphic Style is updated

    If you hold ALT and drag some art into a Graphic Style, it updates, but the notifier is not sent. This has been happening since at least the original CC. It used to work before that.

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  20. Please add feature for to make object as key object via script to perform align operations.

    Hi, I am a plugin developer, and there is a lot of features we are missing in Illustrator scripting that can be done manually in Illustrator. This is the one feature. Please add this feature so that we have some method or property to make the object as a key object to perform "Align to Key Object" operation via script.

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Illustrator (Desktop) SDK/Scripting Issues


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