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Illustrator (Desktop) SDK/Scripting Issues

123 results found

  1. Constrain Proportions button toggle

    makes the Constrain Width and Height Proportions button to toggle... but only internally, the button does not change.

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  2. Please update "Planet X" in backend to "Live Paint"

    Actions read from API are named "Planet X".
    In AI menu, they are "Live Paint"

    Additionally, there is one typo: "Marge Planet X" = "Merge Live Paint"

    When Loupedeck reads the actions from API, they appear with outdated names in Loupedeck UI.

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  3. ExtendScript Debugger 2.0.3 for VSCode fails on "doScript" method

    When a script containing "doScript" method is run from VSCode to AI 2022 using any version of ExtendScript Debugger 2.x it locks up Ai 2022 requiring a force quit. VSCode must also be reloaded before any debugging can continue.

    Rolling ExtendScript Debugger back to v1.1.2 eliminates the failure at the expense of the more advanced features of v2.x.

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  4. Join command is unavailable when run from an action via a script

    We have an action that works, when launched form the Actions panel.
    Operations are simple:
    1. Copy
    2. Deselect All
    3. Paste in Front
    4. Join
    5. Join
    It is designed to create a new closed shape from two segments from different shapes.

    However, when we call this exact action from a script with a app.doScript, it doesn’t work, an error message 'The object "Join" is not currently available' is displayed.

    Please see the video.

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  5. ExportOptionsJPEG both resolution and quality

    We can export a JPEG using ExportOptionsJPEG() — but it allows to set only quality, not a resolution.

    We can use ImageCaptureOptions() instead to set a resolution — but it won’t allow to set a quality, because seems to be designed for PNG (and substituting a format to JPG gives questionable results).

    We need to be able to export JPEG images, controlling both quality and resolution, without using app.doScript() trick — it fails on Cyrillic folder names.

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  6. ExtendScript経由のスクリーン用に書き出しが固まる









    * 少なくともIllustrator 2020〜2022(24.3.0〜26.0.2)
    * 少なくともmacOS Monterey 12.0.1(Apple Silicon) / Big Sur 11.6(Apple Silicon)の2環境
    * 少なくともMacBook Air(Apple Silicon, 16GBメモリ) / iMac(Apple Silicon, メモリ不明)の2機種
    * ExtendScriptのDocument.exportForScreens経由で実行
    * オプションJPG 100,300ppi(アートボードサイズは1700x1000px)

    * オプションをJPG 100,72ppiにしたとき
    * オプションをPNG24,300ppiにしたとき
    * GUIから手動で実行したとき

    * IllustratorをRosettaで起動するかどうか。Rosettaにしたらさらに遅くなる
    * アートボード上のアイテムを単純なデータにすること。四角いパスとグラデーションだけでも遅くなる



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  7. More notifiers for live effects

    Ai provides a live effect notifier that triggers when an object is scaled, but not when it’s moved. Same problem with rotating — the absence of these does not allow to recalculate effects properly, like one when an object with a shadow is rotated, and a user wants to rotate the shadow with the object (there is a quite popular request about this one already —

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  8. firstLineIndent can’t be set to zero

    Create a text object, type some text, keep it selected and run the script:

    activeDocument.textFrames[0].paragraphs[0].paragraphAttributes.firstLineIndent = 20;

    activeDocument.textFrames[0].paragraphs[0].paragraphAttributes.firstLineIndent = 0;

    You have two alerts saying 20, while the second one should show and actually set the first line indent value to 0 — and it does not.

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  9. 1 vote

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  10. Update the VSCode ExtendScript Debugger

    This is an essential tool.

    Too many issues to mention here - and that's just on a PC. It doesn't work at all on ARMx64

    The community needs this kept up to date!

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  11. exportForScreens() file output naming issues

    Natively File > Export > Export for Screens has an option to add a suffix to the output file name, but in scripting the last parameter adds a prefix to the output file name not a suffix as it should to match the desk top user options.

    exportForScreens(path, ExportForScreensType, ExportForScreensOptions, ExportForScreensItemToExport, "This adds a prefix NOT a suffix");

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  12. Illustrator v25.1 doesn't recognize some AppleScript commands

    Illustrator v25.1 doesn't recognize some AppleScript commands, specifically important to me: Apply Character Styles, Embed, and Rotate. Delivers error: Illustrator doesn't understand the message. Has never happened in any previous version of Illustrator.

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    5 comments  ·  AppleScript  ·  Admin →
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  13. Iterating through large collections is very slow (non linear).

    Whenever I have a need to iterate through a large collection (such as pageItems) the iteration is very very slow, and the larger the collection is the more slower it gets. I would expect this to be a linear behavior, but it's not. If a collection's size doubles, it takes more than double the time to iterate through it.

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  14. Isolate/Unisolate commands

    //menu Other Object\Isolate Selected Object

    //menu Other Object\Exit Isolation Mode

    Return error:
    an Illustrator error occurred: 1346458189 ('PARM').

    This applies not only to isolation, but also to some other commands.

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  15. ファイル名に#が付いた配置画像のファイルパスをapplescriptで得ようとすると問題あり


    tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
    get file path of selection
    end tell

    file "○○○:○○○:ABC"
    file "○○○:○○○:ABC#123.psd"



    macmini2018 macOS 10.14.6
    imac2020 macOS 11.2.3

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    0 comments  ·  AppleScript  ·  Admin →
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  16. Dimension / Fraction script not rotating text properly

    After installing the Illustrator 25.1 update, some of the features of the dimension / fraction script are not rotating text properly. Some of the options should rotate the height measurement 90º; it remains horizontal with no rotation.


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    3 comments  ·  AppleScript  ·  Admin →
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  17. Illustrator 25.2 missing scriptability Info.plist entry

    Illustrator's Info.plist file no longer has an entry for NSAppleScriptEnabled. That means normal attempts to open its scripting dictionary fail.

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  18. .duplicate() does not update selection, crashing Illustrator

    // redraw()

    when running this script in Illustrator, you will see that both the original selection plus its duplicate will be selected, but the alert will display 1. Running this script in debug shows that selection only contains one object despite .duplicate() being used. This causes a corruption(?) issue where in reality there are now two objects selected but selection only shows one to be selected unless you do redraw(). This discrepancy will cause Illustrator to crash when trying to set the selection (in specific circumstances) on another line after the .duplicate().

    In other situations, whether one or…

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  19. I need the TAD file technical architectural diagram for AI

    I need the tad file for AI in order to have my company pilot this program and deploy it

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  20. Justification bug, cannot set 'center' in v24.2 using AppleScript

    Running a script to set the justification of text works perfectly for left and right, but no longer works for center. Putting the example script given in the latest Illustrator CC Scripting Guide, page 122, into a Script Editor visually compiles centre differently to left and right and only works if you remove or comment out the line justifying to center.

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    3 comments  ·  AppleScript  ·  Admin →
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Illustrator (Desktop) SDK/Scripting Issues


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