Mirror function leaves seam
I am using the mirror function to create a symmetrical logo. When I save the file there is a line in the seam where I mirrored.

Kk commented
It's frustrating that you can't mery radial or tiled designs. Path finder/ shape tool is incredibly slow
Illona commented
I’ve noticed this as well; when I have an object with a stroke and mirror it, it mirrors it from the edge of the stroke instead of the point. Work around is to make a rectangle and take the stroke off, then mirror it, then draw inside the object and add a stroke and delete the rectangle. To make into one path: expand, ungroup, delete the clipping paths in both groups, then I connect the middle intersecting points, select all and intersect and make path.
Seems like there should be an easier way to do all this, or some of it should be automatic with the mirror feature...
Pk commented
Experiencing the same thing as well. Mirror always leaves a seam. I snap to grid so I would expect the mirror tool to mirror the shape that is snapped to the grid.
bernie68 commented
here to see the Gap when mirrored issue. it will never close the gap between the objects & leaves a gap which if needed to create after unmasking, ungrouping & creating single piece design. it won't work.
i need to manually push over left or right part of the mirrored object which makes the mirror tool useless in this kind of acts.
And as seen on the uploaded image the Center point of mirrored objects are not where it suppose to be. it is looking and feeling like the app is trying to snap to a different point on the art board rather than trying to center-meet both objects where i may then expand the both left and right cooies to make a single center aligned one piece object i with the help of shape combination tool. -
bernie68 commented
same here at 2021 31 january. Mirrorring or symetrie will never snap perfectly. it either over passses the meeting pount than the deisng would be gone in to space= no mre deisign or leaves a minimal gap, tried singular ungrouping and the rest of the stuff. fine if i have to do it that way i have move to desktop and use Astute graphics mirror tool. but this is nit the way when created that mirror tool right? it simply need a bug fix on the center alignment when objects are mirrored.
Jacob commented
When using the mirror function, I believe you need to go to the objects panel and expand the selection into two objects, then ungroup them- then you select those objects and go to the pathfinder panel, divide them, then *intersect* them, convert them to a path, then repeat this step again only this time you’ll *combine* the two objects and convert them to a path, thus, uniting the two separate objects seamlessly.
Alec commented
Does that for me as well. What model iPad are you using?