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Andrew Swift

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  1. 5 votes

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    An error occurred while saving the comment
    Andrew Swift commented  · 

    Using a bullet list causes the same problem.

    An error occurred while saving the comment
    Andrew Swift commented  · 

    Until AI 28, when saving an SVG with soft carriage returns (shift-return in Illustrator), text was not converted to outlines.

    With Illustrator 28, Adobe significantly changed the format of exported SVGs.

    Now, when saving an SVG with Font Type: `SVG`, using a soft carriage return (shift return) in Illustrator causes the text to be converted to outlines.

    If I create a simple AI file containing only the text "test file", here is the resulting SVG code:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <svg xmlns="; version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 500 500">
    .cls-1 {
    fill: #3e3e3e;
    font-family: ArialMT, Arial;
    font-size: 19px;
    <text class="cls-1" transform="translate(58.5 71.5)"><tspan x="0" y="0">test file</tspan></text>

    If I add a single soft return between the two words, I get an alert "The following items could not be exported properly / Text is converted to outline"

    the result is an SVG file that is five times bigger:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <svg xmlns="; version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 500 500">
    .cls-1 {
    fill: #3e3e3e;
    stroke-width: 0px;
    <path class="cls-1" d="M63.398,70.006l.241,1.475c-.47.099-.891.148-1.262.148-.606,0-1.076-.096-1.41-.288s-.569-.444-.705-.756c-.136-.312-.204-.969-.204-1.971v-5.668h-1.225v-1.299h1.225v-2.44l1.661-1.002v3.442h1.679v1.299h-1.679v5.761c0,.476.029.782.088.918.,0,.43-.022.733-.065Z"/>
    <path class="cls-1" d="M71.776,68.327l1.726.213c-.272,1.008-.776,1.791-1.512,2.347-.736.557-1.676.835-2.82.835-1.441,0-2.583-.444-3.428-1.331-.844-.887-1.266-2.132-1.266-3.734,0-1.657.427-2.944,1.28-3.859.854-.915,1.96-1.373,3.321-1.373,1.317,0,2.394.448,3.229,1.345.835.897,1.252,2.159,1.252,3.785,0,.099-.003.247-.009.445h-7.348c.062,1.082.368,1.911.918,2.486.55.575,1.237.863,2.06.863.612,0,1.135-.161,1.568-.482.433-.322.776-.835,1.03-1.54ZM66.293,65.627h5.501c-.074-.829-.285-1.45-.631-1.865-.532-.643-1.222-.965-2.069-.965-.767,0-1.412.257-1.934.77-.523.513-.812,1.2-.868,2.06Z"/>
    <path class="cls-1" d="M74.93,68.559l1.651-.26c.093.662.351,1.169.775,1.521.423.353,1.016.529,1.776.529.767,0,1.336-.156,1.707-.469.371-.312.557-.679.557-1.099,0-.377-.164-.674-.492-.891-.229-.148-.798-.337-1.707-.566-1.225-.309-2.074-.577-2.546-.802-.474-.226-.832-.538-1.076-.937-.245-.399-.367-.84-.367-1.322,0-.439.101-.846.301-1.22.201-.374.475-.685.821-.932.26-.192.614-.354,1.062-.487.448-.133.929-.199,1.442-.199.773,0,1.452.111,2.036.334.585.223,1.016.524,1.294.905s.47.889.575,1.526l-1.633.223c-.074-.507-.289-.903-.645-1.188-.355-.284-.858-.427-1.507-.427-.767,0-1.314.127-1.642.38-.328.254-.492.551-.492.891,0,.217.068.411.204.584.136.179.349.328.64.445.167.062.659.204,1.475.427,1.181.315,2.005.574,2.472.775.467.201.833.493,1.1.877.266.384.399.86.399,1.429,0,.557-.163,1.081-.487,1.573-.325.492-.793.872-1.406,1.141s-1.305.404-2.078.404c-1.28,0-2.256-.266-2.927-.798-.671-.532-1.099-1.32-1.285-2.366Z"/>
    <path class="cls-1" d="M88.744,70.006l.241,1.475c-.47.099-.891.148-1.262.148-.606,0-1.076-.096-1.41-.288s-.569-.444-.705-.756c-.136-.312-.204-.969-.204-1.971v-5.668h-1.225v-1.299h1.225v-2.44l1.661-1.002v3.442h1.679v1.299h-1.679v5.761c0,.476.029.782.088.918.,0,.43-.022.733-.065Z"/>
    <path class="cls-1" d="M60.151,101.5v-8.554h-1.475v-1.299h1.475v-1.048c0-.662.059-1.153.176-1.475.161-.433.444-.784.849-1.053.405-.269.972-.404,1.702-.404.47,0,.989.056,1.559.167l-.25,1.457c-.347-.062-.674-.093-.983-.093-.507,0-.866.108-1.076.325-.21.217-.315.622-.315,1.215v.909h1.92v1.299h-1.92v8.554h-1.661Z"/>
    <path class="cls-1" d="M65.041,89.82v-1.92h1.67v1.92h-1.67ZM65.041,101.5v-9.853h1.67v9.853h-1.67Z"/>
    <path class="cls-1" d="M69.215,101.5v-13.601h1.67v13.601h-1.67Z"/>
    <path class="cls-1" d="M80.218,98.327l1.726.213c-.272,1.008-.776,1.791-1.512,2.347-.736.557-1.676.835-2.82.835-1.441,0-2.583-.444-3.428-1.331-.844-.887-1.266-2.132-1.266-3.734,0-1.657.427-2.944,1.28-3.859.854-.915,1.96-1.373,3.321-1.373,1.317,0,2.394.448,3.229,1.345.835.897,1.252,2.159,1.252,3.785,0,.099-.003.247-.009.445h-7.348c.062,1.082.368,1.911.918,2.486.55.575,1.237.863,2.06.863.612,0,1.135-.161,1.568-.482.433-.322.776-.835,1.03-1.54ZM74.735,95.627h5.501c-.074-.829-.285-1.45-.631-1.865-.532-.643-1.222-.965-2.069-.965-.767,0-1.412.257-1.934.77-.523.513-.812,1.2-.868,2.06Z"/>

    I have tried saving as a copy, exporting for web, exporting via JSX with both `exportFile` using `ExportType.WOSVG` and `ExportType.SVG`.

    Is there any way to export an SVG that won't cause text with soft returns to be converted to outline?

    Andrew Swift supported this idea  · 
  2. 6 votes

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    An error occurred while saving the comment
    Andrew Swift commented  · 
    An error occurred while saving the comment
    Andrew Swift commented  · 

    I tried to post these with the original bug report but wasn't able to.

    Andrew Swift shared this idea  · 
  3. 39 votes

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    Andrew Swift commented  · 

    I have noticed the problem, but only since changing the default Mac cursor in System Settings › Accessibility › Display › Pointer

    I would be interested to know if other people with this problem have modified their default Mac cursor or not.

  4. 17 votes

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    Andrew Swift commented  · 

    This would be huge.

    Also — alt-clicking the arrowheads does nothing for me — can anyone confirm if it's a thing?

    Andrew Swift supported this idea  · 
  5. 1 vote

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    Andrew Swift commented  · 

    This is also true if the name contains a period.

    Andrew Swift shared this idea  · 

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