Create a Collapse All Layers button (with an assignable hotkey)
Currently you can collapse (or expand) all sub containers by Alt key clicking on the little arrowheads on the left-hand side of the top level container items. It would be great if we had a button we could click that collapses (or expands) everything.
Bonus points if this could be called by an action or script!

A related request:
Allow to collapse all items in Appearance panel -
Andrew, Alt-clicking arrows in Layers works for me in 27.6.1 on Windows: clicking one collapses the clicked group AND collapses all the child groups of it, so the next time you unfold the group back, the children stay collapsed, unlike they do with a normal click.
And then Alt-clicking the collapsed group will unfold all its children groups as well.
Please recheck if it works. -
Andrew Swift commented
This would be huge.
Also — alt-clicking the arrowheads does nothing for me — can anyone confirm if it's a thing?
Jonathan commented
We work on enormous files with a complex layer arrangement. It gets frustrating when a layer containing a selected object expands itself whenever a different layer is interacted with. For the sake of organizing your workspace, there really ought to be a button (in the options menu or what have you) that allows you to just collapse all layers. Obviously the opposite - expanding all layers - would be equally valuable. Muchos gracias.
L Coyle commented
Please make this a reality. We shouldn't have to click click click click click to just collapse everything.
Christopher Page commented
I can't believe this is STILL not a thing. I'm positive there used to be a cheat, or some third party extension that would allow you to do this, but damned if I can find it now
Another bonus point for having an assignable hotkey for that :)
Francis commented
This is just simple common sense.