My feedback
4 results found
161 votes
As stated in this request’s status update, the team had to temporarily revoke the 'Search for missing links in this folder' feature to make a way for the missing 'Apply to All' option when relinking, starting with version 29.2.
These two can’t coexist at the moment, and the team intends to come up with a better solution to allow both.
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17 votesVIncentVE supported this idea ·
843 votesVIncentVE supported this idea ·
14 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment VIncentVE commentedGiving this a kick as its something I do multiple times a day and it would just make my life a bit easier if I had a single shortcut with some sort of indication on the layers panel.
I know I can do it with actions but I have no indication and I need two seperate actions/shortcuts
VIncentVE supported this idea ·
It not being fully automatic is good. It could be the default for sure but being able to easily turn it off has helped me. I had a situation where I was doing a lot of re-linking (don't ask) and it was a lot of images per file. And having it on was causing quite a delay as it would try and check each time whilst I knew it would find noting. Turning it off just let me quickly run through them.
So that checkbox, keep it, its good :) But the default could be 'on', thats what's probably more useful to most users most of the time.