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240 results found

  1. Drag-and-Drop Swatches to Artboard

    This functionality wouldn't change the swatches palette it, but would allow users to drag a swatch to the artboard and drop it. You could tile several to create a tonal family or brand color set.

    Being able to scale them larger, arrange them, reformat the grid, turn the white gap off in between colors would improve color adjustment and comparing hues side by side. They'd function like the existing swatches panel in that you could have a shape or stroke selected and apply the color by clicking the swatch on the artboard.

    This would help in color exploration and creating…

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    We are excited to announce that this feature is now available in all the public builds starting V29.1.

    The new 'Create swatch info' helps you share color information accurately with others by including color codes.

    To use this, just select the colors from the swatch panel and click on 'Create swatch info' in the menu options.

    You can customise the size, layout, color codes etc.

    Please try out this feature and let us know what you think!

  2. Make Eyedropper tool usable in Color Picker dialog, which can pick colors from everywhere

    Can you make the Color Picker have an Eyedropper tool that can select any color on the screen when you double click the swatch? Similar to Photoshop.

    Also have the default in any way you reach a color picker be hexadecimal so it is easier to copy and paste the color to other programs, etc. It defaults in this section, but I cannot select any color on the board while this is open.

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  3. Color Picker live preview!

    When i choose color with color picker there is no live preview. I have to click OK to view selected color and if I don't like it, have to do all this again. Do it as it is in Photoshop.

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  4. Allow adding Patterns and Gradient swatches to Color Groups

    Expanding on the existing request for gradient swatch support in color groups... We need groups that support all swatch types. I understand the purpose of Color Groups but the intuitive way to use these folders is as a generic "Swatch Group", without limitation to swatch type in order that we can organize assets appropriately within a project.

    My suggestion is either to allow gradient and pattern swatches to be added to a Color Groups or add a new super group type that can contain any swatch type and color groups as well.

    Groups would be organized in rows: color, gradients,…

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  5. Save Illustrator pattern swatches to palettes in Creative Cloud libraries

    It would be great to be able to save pattern fill swatches and pattern brushes, as patterns and brushes. Currently it works fine if you save a graphic that uses pattern fills and brushes. But for me it would be useful to save and organize them in their native Illustrator format.


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    We have released the support for Pattern swatches in CC Library with our latest release - v29.3

    You can select the swatch in swatches panel and add it to CC Library through the button on the bottom bar in the panel. You can also select any object which has pattern applied and add that pattern to CC Library through Add Elements (+ button at the bottom) from the Libraries panel and choose Fill Pattern from the drop-down menu.

    Update to this version from your Creative Cloud Desktop application and let us know your feedback.

  6. Illustrator forgets which color mode is set in the Color palette (and Gradient)

    Color panel always starts with RGB values. That's useless or very hard to use 99% of the time. So first thing for me is to set my Color panel to HSB and it stays like that for that session, but after a restart it's RGB again. Always!
    Gradient panel is even worse because it forgets instantly.
    Standard gradient's pop up color select is a Grayscale slider. I've never in my life needed that - not to mention HSB has the same with the value slider. But this bothers me less than what follows:
    If I change Grayscale to HSB and…

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  7. Please update to allow newer Pantone swatches to be usable.

    For years Pantone's new colors have been released, yet I can't upload those books into Illustrator. So for years I've been able to see colors I can't use. Super frustrating. I use the Coated Color Bridge book in spot and cmyk. If I'm doing something wrong, PLEASE enlighten me!

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  8. Mixed Ink Swatch like Indesign.

    Please add the Mixed Ink swatch like Indesign. This would simplify building files with varnish, white ink, and bump plates.

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  9. Show HEX value in swatch panel

    I often need to copy HEX values from illustrator swatches into other applications. My workflow would be accelerated if there was a text field showing the HEX value like in the color picker window.

    Right now I need to apply the swatch to an object and copy the HEX value from the color picker window.

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  10. Allow to sort swatches by Hue, Saturation, Luminosity and other values

    Right now AI allow to globally sort swatches by name and kind. It is not enough though.
    1. I need to sort each group in it's own way (automatically) — thefeore I need context menu to work with color groups with needed options
    2. I need more sorting parameters
    3. I need each group to remember sorting and have a checkmark near it in said context menus
    I guess it could also be tucked in palette menu, but I can't give you a way to keep compatibility with current global sorting behavior.
    Please figure this out.

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  11. You cannot add a Freeform Gradient to the Swatches Panel

    FREEFORM GRADIENT, the new feature in Ai CC 2019. You can create amazing gradients, however, you cannot save any free form gradient created to the Swatches panel or the Cloud Library... why?

    Its a great feature, however, it makes for so much extra work if you want to use any free form gradient you create in one file, in another file or project in the future... it would be logical to be able to save this new style of creating gradients to the CC Library and to one's Swatches Panel.

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  12. Color wheel

    MagicPicker is great. What about making something similar from the box?

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  13. The Color panel pops up when you click on stroke/fill selector

    The Color panel pops up every time you click on the stroke or fill selectors. There is no way to disable this panel from popping up, even if you close it, it will open and come to the forefront. Many of us don't need or use the color panel; we use the swatches or other panel. Why is this panel being forced on those of us who don't use/want it?

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  14. Make gradient swatches global

    Gradient swatches should be globally applicable. This would mean they´d need to be editable - either in Swatch Options just like other swatches or replacable by dragging a altered version of a gradient onto the old swatch. (At the moment, the only option is the swatch title)

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  15. Hex shortcode support

    Typing in #333 should auto-complete to #333333, not #000333. Makes UI design frustrating for those with a dev background.

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    Beta build now adds enhanced hex code format and extends support for input color values in decimal format, string name format.

    Shortened Codes: single-digit (F = FF0000), double-digit (FA = FAFAFA), three-digit (123 = 112233)

    Decimal Format Support: enter values like 12,255,09 or 12 255 09 or 12.255.09 and get accurate translations — 0cff09.

    Predefined CSS Color Names: use names like 'red' (FF0000), 'blue' (0000FF), or even partial matches like 'ye' for yellow (FFFF00).

    Please try this and comment back if it works as you expect it to.

  16. "recolor artwork" undo

    CAn we have an option to undo within the "recolor artwork" panel?

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    Yes, the Recolor dialog does not have its own undo stack, and all changes are permanent. Since Recolor is often used as an experimentation tool, this behavior limits the freedom and forces users to avoid it and loose applied settings.

    The team is now aware of the situation and hopefully some changes will be made.

  17. Apply transparency to color in "recolor artwork" tool box

    Apply transparency to color in "recolor artwork" tool box

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  18. Replace or Delete Swatches should automatically re-color objects with new swatch

    I propose swatches have the function of applying new color to objects on the art board whenever a color needs to be replaced with a different color. Instead of simply deleting the current swatch, we should be prompted to "replace current color with new color?" then select the new color after adding it to the palette, then BAM! all the objects are automatically updated with the new color. (Example: art editor says that we will print only using 2 colors: black text with red headlines. I already have the art set using black and green. I could add the red…

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  19. Make Recent Color section as in Photoshop

    It would be nice to have a thing similar to Photoshop strip of recently used colors, with an ability to quickly convert one or several into proper swatches.
    Probably a function that just add all used color into swatches automatically can be useful also, with a clear signaling it is active, to prevent accidental swatches bloating.

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  20. Ability to change the default swatches

    I'd really like to open up a new document with a predetermined default swatch selection. I know this can be done by saving swatches and saving your workspace but if I want to add new colors, I can't to the saved swatch window.

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