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7 results found
5 votesCompleted (Comments Open) · 0 comments · Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests » Images, Links · Admin →
Sarine supported this idea ·
22 votes
Sarine supported this idea ·
53 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarine supported this idea ·
129 votesCompleted (Comments Open) · 74 comments · Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests » File Save, Import and Export · Admin →
Sarine supported this idea ·
12 votes
Sarine supported this idea ·
45 votes
Sarine supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarine commented
This quirky unit preference issue along with the rulers are just ridiculous. I am in two threads and both are the simplest and most important user preference needs!!! Why can you not listen?????? When u open a doc, u want the measurements u want, not a different one that takes sometimes various clicks to take. I also want my rulers to show without having to click on them every time-a different thread going on just as long. Can you please fix these. This unit issue is unacceptable. And, I have the same problems discussed here with inches and pixels or points.. Thank u and hope we will see a result very soon!
149 votes
Hi Everyone,
This has been completed, and has available since June 2020 release (version 24.2)
Please go to Illustrator preferences > General > and select “Show/Hide Rulers” (refer attached screenshot). After checking this, if you hit ‘Show Rulers (Ctrl/Cmd + R)’, then the rulers will appear in every document (new and old), even after relaunching Illustrator.
Please update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback.
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarine commented
To AI...., This has been going on over a year and now a second thread, bec u somehow think it was resolved. not!!! . Just put the ruler appearance option in the darn preferences. What part of this is so hard to understand? We pay for these products. Do u think u could listen??? Thank u!
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarine commented
I agree - I have already posted - and would love to know if any developer actually reads these posts. I am also finding that the unit preferences are a bit wonky as well. They don't always default to what you have set when opening a new document.
These kind of preference settings always used to be part of illustrator - and they just seem get lost with all the complexity and extra new features. It's great to have new features - but not at the expense of losing logical old ones. Preferences are important to be able to set the app the way you usually use it. Illustrator needs to review some of the basic preference features again - the ones we all use over and over again. And some things like rulers, units, and nudging (as a few examples), are just plain logical. We pay quite a bit for this program every year - and they still can't get it right! This particular thread has been going on for a long time and is still active. When will we see this!
Illustrator - PLEASE READ and get back to some basics as well!
Sarine supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarine commented
I totally agree - I searched for an answer because I thought there might be a way I was not aware of - but no, instead there are forums for a wish list. I agree, I am not sure Adobe listens to these simple requests.
ADOBE - could you PLEASE LISTEN UP here!!! Have a show ruler preference!!!!! This is ridiculous
I too am having issues and glad it isn’t just me. I have an imported vector file... and every time I seem to do anything, I get the beach ball. It is ridiculous. I can’t seem to change the issue. Saving sometimes helps it, but then I do a few things and it happens again. But it can get so bad, that just zooming causes this. I noticed, however, that it does not happen in outline view. So I am wondering if something is up with the preview rendering, that might be slowing things down. I was looking for some kind of update, but there is none at the time of this writing. This has nothing to do with my Mac.