My feedback
5 results found
46 votesFabian supported this idea ·
21 votesFabian supported this idea ·
667 votes
We have done further updates to Dimension tool with recently released version - 28.3
You can create and use your custom scale for dimension, hide or show units on dimensions and dimensions are now sticky to the object - they transform as well when you transform the object.
Fabian supported this idea · -
366 votes
Hi Everyone,
This feature has been shipped in August 2020 release (version 24.3)
You may read about this here: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/illustrator/using/whats-new/2020-3.html#vertical-align
Please update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/creative-cloud/help/creative-cloud-updates.html
Thank you for all the feedback.
Fabian supported this idea · -
12 votesFabian supported this idea ·Fabian shared this idea ·