Automatic dimension/measuring tool please
A tool to automatically dimension signs would be an advantage to those of us working in the sign industry who create visuals for clients. It would also assist in maintaining accuracy of the artwork created and automatic checking device. This with the removal of the artboard size limitation would create a full working drawing platform for the manufacture of large signs for the retail industry.

We have done further updates to Dimension tool with recently released version - 28.3
You can create and use your custom scale for dimension, hide or show units on dimensions and dimensions are now sticky to the object - they transform as well when you transform the object.
Phil, try to pick Dimension Tool, hold Opt/At and just click the object you want to add the bounding dimensions to — it should add some instantly.
Unfortunately, there is no way to customize the default offset of the dimension line... but there is a request to allow it you can upvote here: (actually I already added you as a voter there, based on your comment).
Please comment back if this is what you wanted (or not!) -
Phil Hurier commented
Please. Can illustrator implement the automatic dimension tool. We have had it in flexi for years. Instead of selecting anchor points or entire sides and pulling out each dimension, the tool automatically finds the bounding dimensions which are easily available in the width and height bar. It seems very achievable.
Agape commented
This saves me SO MUCH TIME from trying to use the ruler tool!!!!! do you have this same tool in Photoshop??? I hope so.......
Oliver Malms commented
using dimension tools from 02creative for years now. very happy with it. a powerful little tool for those, who are missing some features in Adobe’s approach.
Jody Roberts commented
Link for dimension tools for illustrator $29.00.
They have other Power Scripts
I installed it on AI 2023.
Hope this helps.
kai commented
Several adjustment items could really benefit the architectural field:
1. Change the words inches and feet with the symbols ',". For example, we typically use this format: 1'-0" for 1 foot. The zero inch is important to be included in the measurement. We normally prefer 1/8" precision.
2. Add the architectural scaling function. This is not the same as scaling the objects to big and small, but rather scaling of dimensions. We often scale 1" = 1'- 0". So, we basically want 1" in the illustrator to note as 1 foot, etc.. In the us commercial architectural field, we often use 1/8" scale, 1/4" scale, and 3/16" scale for interior elevation drawings.
These dim tool adjustments could be a game-changer!! The link below shows an example of how the user could adjust the scale. See attached.
(Edited by admin) -
Marcin, to convert font in dimension objects to outline, you would have to expand them first, with Object > Expand Appearance command. Does it work for you?
Marcin Sz commented
conversion to curves does not work,
this is very important for the printing house -
Kuroshita “kurogedelic” Leo commented
Great feature.
I've been using HotDoor for many years, and it's finally time to say goodbye to it.Some suggestions:
・Showing/hiding the unit of dimension
・Move numbers by dragging
・Leader line (especially diameter measurement) -
Paul Roper commented
Am I right in assuming there's no way to set a custom scale? In an ideal world, I'd be able to bring in some artwork/import an image, add a dimension to a known length (e.g. I have a TIFF of a house I've imported, and I know a particular wall is 3200mm long) and I then tell Illustrator that this length is indeed 3200mm, and Illustrator works out the scale and remembers it for all subsequent dimensions.
Breck Harris commented
Great tool and will help a ton! However, some changes and improvements needed to be fit for any production work:
1) Precision: Whole numbers should still have the full precision for any actual production environment. 23 mm implies accurate to a full millimeter. 23.0 mm implies an accuracy to a tenth of a millimeter. So when I select 0.0 as my accuracy, it needs to be reflected across every dimension.
2) On that note, precision for Angles and Lengths should be separate options.
3) Leaders: An option for a leader would be great for dimensions that are too narrow to fit the full dimension text inside.
4) Adjusting dimension location: The length dimensions can be moved closer and away by having the dimension tool selected and dragging the existing dimensions. However radii dimensions can’t be moved once placed the same way and I can’t figure out if there is a way to do it.
5) Currently the dimensions are all placed in a top level layer. This is okay, but I prefer to have my artboard contents contained in different layers. So for multiple drawings I’d want a dimension layer in each one.
6) Tolerance: Having a way to add the tolerance to a dimension in necessary in production. i.e ± 2
7) In-line measurements: Having the dimension in a gap in line with the dimension line rather than resting on top makes it much easier to fit dimensions in tight spaces and make them easier to read.
8) Presets: It would be great to be able to have presets. Some artboards are small and others are very large. Having to set all the settings each time for legible dimensions is very tedious.
9) Live updates: Not necessary since they are so easy to create but if I extend a shape or resize a dimension with a shape, having the dimension text update too would be amazing.
10) Scale: Standard scales would be nice. 1:2, 1:3, etc. Maybe too much to ask for a built in tool but would definitely get some use.
Thanks again and I look forward to using this tool extensively as it matures.
Uwe Busch commented
Really good work, bust can you add 1:25 please?
Adham Elrayyes commented
The dimension tool is a great time saver and have been using it for the last few weeks with no issues, until today. Maybe I haven't noticed it before because I never used this feature.
When taking the diameter measurement, it seems to offset and enlarge the diameter for some reason and couldn't figure out why, even with numerous attempts.I am becoming more convinced that this might be a bug.
See the attached image that showcases the issue I am facing.
Konrad Prajsnar commented
It would be nice to have automatic option too just to speeds up work. I mean just a button that puts overall dimensions of the object, without clicking points at the ends.
Grk commented
First of all, congratulations on the Dimension tool. A small breakthrough.
I think I'm in the right place to make a small request that would help a lot, especially to the packaging design community.
One of the usual tasks is to verify the font size and in the Dimension tool currently it only allows you to put the font of the dimension vertically with the problems that this entails when you are working in small spaces. It would help a lot if you could customize it by adding horizontal typography to maximize space. I attach a screenshot to exemplify what was mentioned.
As an additional proposal, if more typography information could be added for client verification it would help a lot. An option could be a sister tool "Dimension Font" that you could limit the height of the font, the font itself, kerning etc. similar to the mother tool Dimension.
Hoping it can be implemented in future versions, thank you very much. All the best.
Alessandro commented
Ok thanks Egor
Allesandro, yes, the block that allows us to set preferred sides for Opt/Alt has vanished for the Dimension Tool Options dialog. I don’t know yet why.
You can use other units for font size, line weights, and actual measurements, if you pick them in Preferences, but not for offsets and extensions — this is a known problem that is going to be addressed further. Here is a bug report for you to upvote:
The default distance of the extension line is another known thing. I made it into a request as well:
As for the registration Swatch — do you mind making it into a separate request?
Vasja commented
Dimensions are back!
Alessandro commented
Excellent start. I don't know if I remember correctly but the possibility of choosing where to insert the dimensions has disappeared (top, bottom, right and left). Furthermore, it would be very convenient to set the settings in millimeters instead of points (or at least have the possibility of choosing which unit to use) and what is fundamental for me is to set the distance from the object when using the one-click function via the option key (on Mac ). Last thing is the possibility of inserting the "Registration" color to the measurements.
Jörg, the team plans to add presets in later releases. So far the re is a simple enough workaround we can use for that, but I admit presets are must have.