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426 results found

  1. Option to allow to group a single group, making it nested

    Sometimes we need to group a group. For example, for complex appearances, to nest graphics styles.
    But Illustrator does not allow that — and in most cases it’s a proper cautious behavior. But perhaps it can be toggled somewhere?

    So far we have two workarounds for this.
    1. Create a dummy object, select both it and the group you want to 'wrap', group them together, delete the dummy object.
    2. Use a script 'Add Group Anyway': (it also can pull children form different groups into a new one — which is a thing we want too).

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  2. Ability to reset object/image to original size like in CorelDraw

    I want feature to reset object/image to original condition like width, height, rotation, scale, etc.

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  3. Restore pressing Ctrl + Alt + Enter in Transform’s Width and Height fields to constrain proportions AND copy at the same time

    I thought I could explain this feature only with a video. Even though it was difficult and I took risks, I was able to prepare it by finding a portable CS 11 version.

    I want this feature back for Transform Palette. Because they destroyed it or forgot about it or no one knows about it.

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  4. Firefly Text to Image and Text Effects inside illustrator

    Text to Vector is Awesome, will be nice to have Firefly Text to Image and Text Effects directly in illustrator, so we can preview our generations with other compositing assets in canvas.

    Maybe a Firefly Panel, where we can choose what we want to generate, vector, image, or text effect.

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  5. New from Template... do not work any more

    When choosing ”New from Template...” from ”File” -menu Illustrator 2024 do not open templates from ”Cool Extras” -folder as a default anymore.

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  6. Line Chart - make it possible to start line on value axis

    I do often need the line to start on the value axis.
    At this moment, I can't do this using the Chart-Tool, effectivly making these type of charts impossible to create without messing up the Chart by manually changing the axis.

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  7. Improve pattern editing mode's slow performance

    Pattern editing mode is notoriously slow. Using complex artwork and textures inside patterns causes pattern mode to hesitate when simply moving objects (even when displaying fewer copies). Because brushes are expanded in Pattern mode, textural brushes can't be used to create patterns without a lot of spinning and crashing. The feature hasn't been improved since it was released in CS6. The new Repeats feature doesn't make fill swatches, unfortunately, so it does not replace Pattern mode. If only we could create repeating art on the artboard and make fill swatches from it without the constraints of pattern mode.

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  8. Make it flexible to stylize graphs and edit data without messing the graph design

    Please allow it that we can stylize the graphs without ungrouping it so we can still edit the data anytime as needed. Creating graphs (data and style) should be efficient. As of the latest version, every time we edit graph data, the horizontal lines (x-axis) get messed up. (Please see attachment with file name: graph with style...)

    And there is this wide space on the start (left of the graph). Not sure why the graph tool has this wide space from the left side every time it generates the graph. (Please see attachment with file name: graph wide space...)

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  9. Illustrator 26.5.2 The new Lock object tool is terrible

    Go back to previous old version of the object lock. I do not like the gray border of a locked object. I cannot click through the object on other objects around or near the locked object. The OLD way of locking objects was better. It just sat there visually and did not affect neighboring objects.

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  10. Issue transferring dwg file to Temp folder

    Is there any possibility in Ai, when we export or run the script on the Ai file and we get only dwg file without that png (bitmap image) so that we can add only dwg file in Temp folder and it will get convert into .svg file.

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  11. Uygulama ipad sürümünü kullanırken aniden kapanıyor. Cihazım programı kaldırabilecek güçte. Bu nedenle uygulamada bir sorun var.

    Uygulama ipad sürümünü kullanırken aniden kapanıyor. Cihazım programı kaldırabilecek güçte. Bu nedenle uygulamada bir sorun var.

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  12. Share for Review with watermark

    While I like the Share for review feature, I would appreciate if there was an option to activate watermark.

    The benefits of watermarks are too numerous to list, but the most important is:

    Deterrent for Unauthorized Use: Watermarks act as a deterrent for individuals seeking to steal or misuse a designer's work for commercial or personal gain. This protection encourages respect for creative rights and discourages infringement.

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  13. Share and Review for Illustrator (email notification designation)

    Hi Adobe team,

    I Co-own and Creative Direct at a small design agency of about 12 people. Myself and my design team are loving the Share and Review feature as it is saving us so much time in our presentation prep on client work. There is one thing though that would make our lives even better (and the life of our project manager). We would love for there to be a feature where you can designate where the notification emails go to when comments are made. Currently it goes to the person who generated the link (usually a designer), or…

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  14. Illustrator and Illustrator Beta File Association Issue in Windows 10 and 11

    When installing Adobe apps, files extension associations work as expected in Windows 10 and 11.

    When installing a beta version of the same Adobe app, files association are moved to the beta version. There is no way to move the file association back to the regular app without manually changing the windows registry because:

    1.) The regular app does not appear any longer in the file association drop down list (in settings)

    2.) Right clicking illustrator file and changing associated app through folder structure locally also does not work. Even though I select the correct app (Illustrator.exe), the beta app…

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  15. Optional thousand separator for graphs in y-axis

    Graphs in Illustrator are really useful, however, after copy-pasting data from Excel, the y-axis values all come out without thousand separators, like $1000000 - I then manually add thousand separators so that the value reads $1,000,000 - it would be great if in right-click > Graph Type > Value Axis, there was a check-box that read "Enable Thousand Separators". Easy :)

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  16. Global Edit does not respect locked objects

    When launching global edit an error messages appears warning that there are more than 1000 objects in the document. There are only 800 objects unlocked.

    Locking objects used to work in order to work around the limit.

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  17. これは非常にユニークなアイデアです♪

    こんにちは。Adobe Illustratorの拡張子は「.ai」です。



    イーロン・マスク氏のような X アプリケーションのような考え方です。


    Adobe IllustratorとMacがなければ、私は今ここで、こういった発言を



    Adobe社の英知が結集した、スーパーアプリケーション、「Adobe AI」



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  18. Add search to the History panel

    With 100 or more states showing in the panel, it would be helpful to have a search field. Type in Graphic styles, merge, drop shadow, or whatever the label is to find it. Not sure if it's possible to highlight all of the matches, like all states labeled graphic style - or if there would be an arrow button to let you page through all graphic style states it finds.

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  19. Streamline and improve node/anchor editing.

    I have used CoreDraw for many years, but needed to move to Adobe for a new position. In Corel, you can manipulate nodes (anchor points) with the direct select tool. Everything you need to do - add points, remove points, move points along the path, curve the line, move the handles, etc. - can all be done with the direct select tool and the 2 mouse buttons. In Adobe, I have to keep switching between 3 different tools to do the same thing, and on top of that, not all nodes have handles! It's very frustrating and slow. Why does…

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  20. As introduced in Photoshop the Warp option for Cylinder should be in illustrator

    It will be much easier to use the warp on a cylinder in vector art, it was introduced in Photoshop. If I’m working on a design in Adobe illustrator and want to warp some text or a label on a bottle
    why not stay in vector art, instead of using photoshop?

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    There is a way to do the same exact distortion in Illustrator, using a free MeshTormentor plugin (please see the full instruction in the comments).

    However, an easier native way to do it is still welcome (as the general improvements over mesh distortion capabilities) — so please keep voting for this if you want it to happen.

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