Auto Spell Check (red squiggly line like InDesign, Microsoft and other products)
Illustrator REALLY needs to have a feature (that you can turn on or off) for spell check to have the red squiggly line underneath mis-spelled words, like what InDesign, Microsoft, and many other programs have.

I am happy to share that ‘Auto spell-check’ feature has been shipped in the latest version of Illustrator. Here is how to enable/disable it in the latest release :
Anonymous commented
Absolutely! I can't believe it doesn't have this feature yet.
I can be so proud of a design, show my final piece and then have the "youve spelt XX wrong" - and the moment is ruined. URGH. Please fix this asap! -
Anonymous commented
Yes, please!
Anonymous commented
Whoever at Adobe figures how to program a realtime/dynamic spell check in Illustrator, they will certainly be up for a Nobel Peace Prize. Please, put this at the top of your to-do list and stop the madness.
Amit Kava commented
not responding from adobe. i’m sending many times in feedback form with single star.
Chris commented
It would be good to understand why this feature remains missing after all these years, when it is so commonplace in other software?
Saif Khan commented
illustartor should have suggestion for text or auto correct feature like google chrome search bar have.
Pen commented
This is a vital feature - present in texting and many other apps at the OS level on any mobile device, all MS products, system-wide in Mac OS applications and SOME Adobe apps including InDesign, but NOT Illustrator.
PLEASE bring this feature - it is very easy to make mistakes that can be quite costly on simple words that are easily missed by designers and proofreaders along the way.
Illustrator user since v. 3 - this is not a "fluffy" request but one that addresses the real business needs of your core user base. Did I say "PLEASE??"
Anonymous commented
I do NOT have time to run spell check under deadlines, besides the NEW style of workflow is easier in DYNAMIC SPELLING! See and revise as you type. I am constantly having mistakes due to No Dynamic Spelling in AI. Funny, how simple the coding is...You even have it in this comment box I am typing in right now. Please just incorporate into AI. THANK YOU!
BTW...I've used AI since the very first version came out. I've seen it grow over the many years :)
Anonymous commented
Dynamic Spell check
Bill Thrash commented
Auto Spell-Check while typing or after importing text blocks, or 'select/right click (Flyout)/Spell Check' individual words, c'mon...
Anonymous commented
Automatic spell check/underline misspelled words.
Would be great to have this feature in AI, as it would greatly reduce the time needed to proofread a document.
Anonymous commented
Yes please, this is vital. I set up a lot of brochures in Illustrator and just missing little grammar and spelling mistakes when they go back to the client is embarrassing, time-consuming and not good for business. Sometimes when you are working at 3 am, these little mistakes are easy to miss. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, can we have auto spell check like InDesign!!!!!!! It would make my year!
Vanessa Wheeler commented
Ha, yes I can relate. I am also a designer not a copywriter who would love to avoid getting the black sheep of the office / yelled at for spelling errors. That is a really good point. They (co-workers/supervisors) Expect the world of us, and think you can just push the magic design it button, or illustrate it button, which they assume takes 5 minutes! When we do deliver correctly they are just "meh, shrug, whatever" about it. If it's a tiny bit wrong, then yes, they like to yell at said idiot designer, in office because we didn't realize get all the errors. I do try to correct spelling esp bc I am a writer by hobby, not trade, but that is totally different! Can't wait for the update!
Anonymous commented
I think it is also important to explain why we need this urgently.
I'm a designer not a copywriter. Designers are so disrespected in that we are expected to know so much but but credited for the minimum. The last we want to hear is your spelling is incorrect. we spend a lot of time focusing on the design and when it is a rush (which is all the time ) those things are forgotten. -
Kyle Kohatsu commented
Krissy Vas commented
Yes it is an absolute must have in illustrator. Please add it to the next update. Would save a lot of headaches and yelling in my office.
Taylor commented
I know illustrator has a built in spell-check command, but it would save a lot of hassle if it were integrated more like word or other processors where it has the ability to always be running.
Kier commented
Please keep us posted regarding this. Much needed feature on AI, I use it alot with heavy text work.
Adson Cicilioti commented
This feature are included on last Update?? Is ready!? When is done?
nini nono commented
I agree. It will truly works for me.