Auto Spell Check (red squiggly line like InDesign, Microsoft and other products)
Illustrator REALLY needs to have a feature (that you can turn on or off) for spell check to have the red squiggly line underneath mis-spelled words, like what InDesign, Microsoft, and many other programs have.
I am happy to share that ‘Auto spell-check’ feature has been shipped in the latest version of Illustrator. Here is how to enable/disable it in the latest release :
Rich commented
Yes, please add this feature!
Cristina commented
I agree. AI needs to have the option to run spell check automatically.
Amit Kava commented
Illustrator REALLY needs to have a feature (that you can turn on or off) for spell check to have the red squiggly line underneath mis-spelled words, like what Coral Draw, Affinity Designer, Microsoft, notepad and many other programs have.
Thank YOU
Amit Kava -
Anonymous commented
I agree this is annoying not have an auto spell check
Anonymous commented
Yes Dynamic Spell Check should be a standard feature of any program like Illustrator. We have been needing this for years. Thanks in advance :)
Vespertunes commented
It is really very necessary to add auto spelling option while typing. If some words being typed error, we sometimes forget to replace that word. Or it should add underline with red line while tying wrong word.
Adson Cicilioti commented
Please!! Fast! Fast!
Mangalkumar commented
I certainly feel the dynamic spell check will be of value as this would help the creative professionals to focus more on the creatives.
Thanks for considering.
Leticia Moreno commented
The manual user having to do spellcheck within the software for me is not good enough.
I wanted to know if there was a way that you guys can think about creating a plugin with all Adobe software to flag grammar and spelling errors?
For example, I downloaded grammary's plugin for safari and I love it. Though, their app for Mac does not support Adobe software.
Mike Gondek commented
Certain type I would like to skip spellcheck on. e.g.: nutrition facts, lorem ipsum type, abbreviations, lists). Can we please get a [No Language] option as in InDesign.
Marc Forman commented
This "Dynamic Spelling" feature for Illustrator should ideally work like Illustrator's "Show Hidden Characters" feature so the user can instantly see what words are misspelled words without affecting the artwork's aesthetics. The user can turn on and off using a hotkey or clicking it on the menu option.
Paul Mackinnon commented
However, please have the red squiggly 'dynamic' spell check off by default. Its bad for aesthetics.
Anonymous commented
Adding my vote to this. We need a realtime/dynamic spell check in illustrator.
Anonymous commented
Every update since 1995 the first thing I do is go to spell check to see if it's been updated, it's so antiquated, pathetic... get it sorted.
Adam Zimmer commented
this would be an amazing feature, and have wanted it for years
Hello All,
There is an option to Check Spelling (in Edit menu). But, from what I understand, this request is about enabling a "dynamic" spell check.We will be reviewing the request shortly.
****** -
PECourtejoie commented
A shared dictionary would be useful as Ps and Id already have spell check...
CygnusRK727 commented
In InDesign this is called "Dynamic Spelling." Under preferences/spelling there is a check box titled "Enable Dynamic Spelling."
I have requested this feature be added to Illustrator as well.