Mike Gondek
My feedback
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19 votes
Mike Gondek shared this idea ·
113 votes
Mike Gondek supported this idea ·
13 votes
Mike Gondek supported this idea ·
142 votes
Hi Everyone,
This functionality is available in our latest release build – 27.6.1.
Illustrator remembers the last preset used for saving PDF files and keeps it as the default preset.
What's New in the release - https://helpx.adobe.com/in/illustrator/using/whats-new.html
Thank you for all the feedback.
Mike Gondek supported this idea ·
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27 votes
Thanks for submitting this request , Illustrator team really appreciate this.
We had taken your feedback on this and added it to backlogMike Gondek supported this idea ·
43 votes15 comments · Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests » Effects, Appearance, Graphic Styles · Admin →
Thank you for reporting the issue. We have added the issue to our backlog.
With Best Regards,
Raghuveer SinghMike Gondek shared this idea ·
448 votesCompleted (Comments Open) ·
AdminAvinash Singh Kotwal (Principal Product Manager, Adobe Illustrator) responded
I am happy to share that ‘Auto spell-check’ feature has been shipped in the latest version of Illustrator. Here is how to enable/disable it in the latest release : https://helpx.adobe.com/in/illustrator/using/whats-new/2020.html#spellcheck
An error occurred while saving the comment Mike Gondek commented
Certain type I would like to skip spellcheck on. e.g.: nutrition facts, lorem ipsum type, abbreviations, lists). Can we please get a [No Language] option as in InDesign.
Mike Gondek supported this idea ·
8 votes
We could reproduce this issue at our end, following are the findings
1. This issue is reproducible in CPU, GPU Rendering and Print Preview(thumbnail).
2. Reproducible in older versions as well including Illustrator CS6 (not a new break in CC 2018)
3. Works fine in Overprint Preview
4. Works fine in Print & PDFPlease confirm above observation match with the problem reported in this issue
An error occurred while saving the comment Mike Gondek commented
1. Yes
2. Yes this does happen in previous versions also, my apologies as I initially thought this was a new issue in 2018 as my team reported to me and I did not test in prior versions.
3. No. In overprint preview the colors are still different between both examples in my sample file.
4. No. When your print of make a pdf the colors are darker on the example on the right.For process printing is debatable for if blend modes to accumulate. For spot definitely the bend modes should not accunalate as this is not reproducible in the printing separation process. So what you see on the screen, or a color laser print is not accurate to the results you will get when this goes to final print separations.
31 votes
Mike Gondek supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Mike Gondek commented
Please bring this back. We are getting items on the wrong layers now. This is serious as item are not making plates, and printing plates or visa versa. Without this we will go back to copying elements from a master document , as too much proofing and error isn now introduced.
141 votes
We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 22.1.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – https://illustrator.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/1844590 if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – https://helpx.adobe.com/support.htmlWarm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience.An error occurred while saving the comment Mike Gondek commented
Yes. Remember last folder location needed across all functions. Very important and big time saver to not have to drill down folders so often.
Relinking images is working good for me on CC2108/Sierra, but have had issues in past when updating multiple instances of the same image and not remembering last folder location.
Mike Gondek supported this idea ·
13 votes
Mike Gondek shared this idea ·
114 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Mike Gondek commented
YES. please fix unresponsiveness in outline mode.
NO to Marquee zoom not being default. Marquee zoom is need for production reasons of final art going to print and should be the default. Without marquee zoom is nearly impossible to register selection against a dieline to snap accurately. One can only correct so many errors by designers who do not submit accurate work, and animated zoom breeds errors. Please consider the cost of plates, especially gravure drums are expensive and waste in our landfills.
Thanks for the video we had numerous forum posts on macs with a slow outline mode but was not aware windows also had this issue.
69 votes
Mike Gondek supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Mike Gondek commented
Would be nice to add an icon that centers both axis instead of having to click twice for horizontal and vertical.
3 votes
Mike Gondek shared this idea ·
I 100% agree.
In the past it seems recording an action to save to your desktop remembered the last preset used, but this often got corrupted, so cannot gaurantee this will work on all .ai verions. Our need is to make sure there is no color conversion, so the printer can review spot plates correctly.