Introduce Undo History panel
Please introduce Undo panel to Adobe Illustrator, listing all the steps that have been performed on a document during the current session, so one can quickly switch between any previous state and current state after testing a number of changes by clicking any item in the displayed Undo stack.
See this Adobe Forums thread for details:

PeepoHD commented
Fantastic, can't wait to dock the panel in my workspace!
Bradley Smith commented
im working on a meeting with adobe Ai dev team tomorrow please contact me if you would like to join in
Lanika commented
It's very annoying to manually ctrl+z through image tracing to choose the right setting when working on an older computer. The time it takes processing would be cut by allowing history so instead of rendering multiple times again and again you just render the tracing one or two times before expanding it. Likewise for 3D and other similar features.
Michele C commented
Thanks for listening and including this important and timesaving feature! Now it should be much more convenient to view and undo certain history items without having to blindly delete them one at a time. Bravo!
Now to test it...
Jason King commented
History is being made
pun intended
applephx commented
wow, Thanks Avinash. Yes! better late than never :)
Oz commented
Just a heads-up about performing a lot of nudges: if you hold SHIFT and hit the arrow key then it moves the object 10-nudges worth of distance in one action, as far as Undo is concerned.
Doesn't negate the need for an undo history, but it does remove some of the tedium of nudging. :D
Jack commented
I am beginning to understand Adobe's pattern here. Apparently we have to beg en masse for a sum total of 5 years per request on Uservoice, then they will finally deign to include it (well, "start" it). Thankfully they were able to include dozens of other completely unrequested new features in the interim! Yay Adobe!
Prdesignermom commented
Agree with Anonymous about consolidating minute adjustments in the undo history panel.
Anonymous commented
Phew! Well it's about time! lol Thank you.
Anonymous commented
Exciting news! My only concern is with how many undo levels there will be and what will fill these up, If you press and hold nudge to move an object, will it fill up the undo with individual nudges. Perhaps a setting to combine nudges after a period of time, or a pop-up that would ask if you want to combine them or something like that.
[Deleted User] commented
Don't forget about the Illustrator script developers. Make methods for accessing the history panel from the scripts. Similar to Photoshop, which has long had "app.activeDocument.activeHistoryState"
LollieGee commented
Finally! Yay!
Tim St. Clair commented
Then a history panel would show each snapshot, rather than hundreds of moves and tweaks.
A undo/redo shortcut modifier to step back or forward through snapshots.
A trash can on the history panel to remove a snapshot. -
Randall Cole commented
Yes of course we need this, its 2022!
PeepoHD commented
I'm a perfection freak and often worry if something has been mistakingly changed or moved, having a history panel to refer to would help me so much to stay mentally sane while working on complex Ai files without being paranoided about messing stuff up
Kiki commented
Illustrator users have been asking for a History Panel for years, why the stubbornness in not hearing?
Anonymous commented
Adding a history panel would be great for us extra ordinary folks whom don't have thumbs, thanks for the consideration
Seb commented
Its mental how this is not a part of Illustrator. It seems like an obvious inclusion to have it from day one.
Anonymous commented
Yes pleeeeease