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748 votesStarted (Available In Beta) ·
AdminAvinash Singh Kotwal (Principal Product Manager, Adobe Illustrator) responded
Adobe Illustrator's Multithreading Journey Begins!
Dear Illustrator Community,
I'm thrilled to announce that we've embarked on an exciting journey to bring multithreading capabilities to Adobe Illustrator. This significant undertaking will enhance performance and responsiveness across various aspects of the application.
While this is a complex process that will take some time to fully implement, I wanted to share our progress so far.
Our Approach
We've strategically begun by focusing on the most computationally intensive operations—those that typically take more time and block the main thread, resulting in slower response times while you work. By moving these operations to separate threads, we aim to significantly improve your overall experience with Illustrator.
It's important to note that you may see more noticeable impact in some areas than others initially. However, we want to assure you that this is just the beginning, and we will continue this journey to bring improvements across…
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Oz commented
Thank you for following this thread and appreciating how important performance is. Up until now the push has always been for adding more features to Illustrator, but it was already too slow and each release felt slower than the one before it. New features may look cool on the product page and I'm sure they help drive sales but once a paying customer starts *using* the program they find out how painfully slow it is. It makes all of us wonder how much internal testing is being done if this sluggish performance is considered acceptable.
I sincerely hope multithreading is just the start of a long line of optimization upgrades, with performance and the user-experience being a higher priority from now on. Thanks.
An error occurred while saving the comment Oz commented
I really, really wish Adobe would put new features on hold for a while until they fix what's already in there. In day-to-day use I'm never craving new features because I'm too busy getting aggravated by its sluggishness.
I've found that hitting TAB to hide the various windows and toolbars increases performance dramatically. But that should not be necessary. A list of teeny symbol thumbnails and 'Action' buttons shouldn't drag a modern CPU to its knees. (that makes me wonder if the thumbnails are full-detail objects simply scaled down in size, thanks to vector magic.)
For anyone wanting to try the TAB trick, search the keyboard shortcut menu for "tab" and it will bring up two functions. I swapped the two shortcuts for ease of use. By default, TAB will also disable the top toolbox that contains text and alignment options - which also shifts the work area. The other option was SHIFT+TAB, which leaves the top toolbox but toggles all sub-windows. It's annoying having to resort to toggling parts of the UI on-and-off but it helps.
Oz supported this idea ·
39 votes
Oz supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Oz commented
I agree, this would be an excellent addition.
We use a large library of symbols so our Symbols window is a very long list. Many of these items are rarely used, or behind-the-scenes symbols that are called out via scripting and don't even need to be visible in our list. If symbols could be grouped like objects in the Layers window it would be a huge help in cleaning-up a very long list of Symbols. Groups could then be collapsed so they don't show the dozens of symbols inside.
This would help in organizing symbols by task, for example, and make it easier to separate the symbols we use every day versus the uncommon ones that might be used once a month.
6 votes
Oz supported this idea ·
719 votesCompleted (Comments Open) · 139 comments · Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests » User Interface · Admin →
An error occurred while saving the comment Oz commented
Just a heads-up about performing a lot of nudges: if you hold SHIFT and hit the arrow key then it moves the object 10-nudges worth of distance in one action, as far as Undo is concerned.
Doesn't negate the need for an undo history, but it does remove some of the tedium of nudging. :D
Oz supported this idea ·
8 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Oz commented
For me, the Layers and Symbols panels make it sluggish as well. I often hit TAB to close these and then Illustrator is suddenly responsive.
None of these windows should bog down a modern computer.
Oz supported this idea ·
281 votes
Hi Everyone,
We have fixed this bug in our latest release – v 24.2.1 which is available worldwide now. Thanks for your patience on this.
Please note that after upgrading you might still see that Align To sets itself to Align to Key Object. If you see this, please manually set the Align To to the required setting, and this reported bug will not happen again. You’ll need to this one time only.
The reason Align To might get set to Key Object after update is because Ai remembers your last Align To on subsequent launches as well. So, if your last Align To was Key Object before quitting/upgrading, after first multi-selection, it will set itself to Key Object. After you manually change it one-time, it will work fine.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/creative-cloud/help/creative-cloud-updates.html
Oz supported this idea ·
5 votes
Oz supported this idea ·
1 vote
Thanks for reporting this issue.
We are able to reproduce this issue and investigating this further.Regards
Ankit GoyalAn error occurred while saving the comment Oz commented
Thanks, Varun!
I've emailed you with a sample file and some more information. The presence of brush strokes seems to be a factor.
Oz shared this idea ·
7 votes
It seems like several problems got mixed in the comments.
1. Guides made of single anchors (displayed as <Guide> in Layers) are displayed correctly in the latest versions of Ai when View > Guides > Show Guides is enabled (although they are rather small).
2. Illustrator does not draw centerpoints for ellipses while moving then in GPU mode — a know problem, reported separately here: http://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/601447/suggestions/39740689
Please upvote it if you want to see edges while moving.
3. Show Edges option gets occasionally disabled — gets fixed with Cmd/Ctrl + H. Edges still won’t be drawn when GPU Performance and Real-Time Drawing and Editing options are enabled in Preferences > Performance, only when you switch to CPU mode.
If your case is nothing like this — please comment and share details on the problem, with steps and screenshots or videos.
An error occurred while saving the comment Oz commented
It's been a few months since I last opened AI 2019 and I just updated to version 23.1 from September. This issue appears to be fixed so this year's Illustrator is now a functional program for me.
Thanks, Adobe!
An error occurred while saving the comment Oz commented
Sorry Johan, but enabling/disabling Smart Guides does not affect this problem. Smart Guides are the pink lines shown in this screenshot. Those are Illustrator's way of helping you align the object you're dragging with other nearby objects.
An error occurred while saving the comment Oz commented
Hi Chris,
COMMAND + H / CTRL + H toggles the "Show Edges" option. This only changes whether the corners of a path are visible. For example, draw a line with a few turns in it and each of those corners will show a little box if COMMAND + H is set to Show Edges instead of Hide Edges. I've attached an screenshot to illustrate.
Unfortunately this doesn't control the little pink X markers we're having issues with.
An error occurred while saving the comment Oz commented
Hi Adam,
Thanks for trying. I just gave that a shot and didn't have any luck. I tried with the Printing and Proofing workspace, as well as all the rest.
CTRL + H toggles "Hide edges / Show edges" - and that does affect the visibility of these anchors, but it only changes whether you can see them while they're selected. What I'm trying to fix is how AI 2019 behaves and I want these little pink X markers to be visible whether they're selected or not, as shown in my "AI 2018 anchors" screenshot in my original post.
An error occurred while saving the comment Oz commented
Hi Gregory,
I installed the latest Illustrator to give your tips a try, but didn't have any luck. Anchors still misbehave as shown in my first post.
I have no problems with version 22 of Illustrator, but AI 2019 is still dead to me.
An error occurred while saving the comment Oz commented
22.1's menu looks like the current Anchor Points Preferences screenshot. It doesn't have the six little anchor preview images.
An error occurred while saving the comment Oz commented
Hi Scott,
Yes, that's the exact same issue I have with Illustrator 2019. It sounds like you use these anchors in the same way I do so we're both stuck in the same boat. The newest version that works correctly for me is AI 2018, version 22.1. You can choose to install this version in the Creative Cloud app so you don't need to go all the way back to CS5, as you mentioned in the other forum post.
Invisible anchors are a deal killer so this new version is unusable to me until this is resolved.
An error occurred while saving the comment Oz commented
Good morning, Ashutosh.
Thank you for digging for more info. I'm afraid that wasn't what I was trying to explain, though.
I create technical drawings for custom products and I use these stray anchor points to act as guides for consistent placement of symbols from my symbol library. These anchors are almost never in the center of a symbol, and placing the center of one symbol on the center of another is very uncommon. Each symbol I use gets the "Break link to symbol" treatment to expose the anchors inside. These anchors are strategically located to make it easy to place one on top of another. For example, I may have one symbol that acts as a foundation and it has anchors at all the key points so other symbols (with their matching anchors) can be plugged in to populate that foundation. Not being able to see these anchors in AI 2019 is a show-stopper for me.
Up until now, the little magenta X anchors/guides have been perfect for my needs because they've been visible to me during the creation process but they don't show in my final PDFs for our clients.
Does that make sense? If not, I'll work on creating a short video of my workflow to email to you.
Thanks again for your help!
An error occurred while saving the comment Oz commented
I don't mean the center marker of an ellipse or rectangle. Those just show up as blue squares once the object is selected, and hovering over them with the mouse cursor shows them as being called "center". I've never seen the center point marked as a magenta X unless I've placed such an anchor there manually.
No, what I'm talking about is its own item that is listed in the Layers list and is not dependent on other shapes, paths, or objects. In the Layers window it's listed as <Guide>, and "anchor" is what pops up by the mouse cursor when I hover over it. I would attach a screenshot but I don't see a way to do that in a reply here.
This is how Illustrator has behaved for me since CS4 and I rely heavily on these anchors being visible for perfect, consistent placement of objects. If this is abnormal behavior, may I ask how you would place one object onto a predetermined position of another so that it can be done consistently day after day?
Oz shared this idea ·
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Oz commented
The center marker of, say, a rectangle or ellipse? If so, a solution for that was posted as a reply to my unrelated bug report. Hopefully that works for you - see below.
1 vote
Sorry to hear that you are facing this issue. Looks like you have ‘Show Edges’ option disabled. Goto View→ Show Edges and it will enable the outlines.
An error occurred while saving the comment Oz commented
You can install old versions from the Creative Cloud program that lurks down in the system tray. (assuming you're running Windows.)
Open that up and hit the down-arrow in the Illustrator section, then click Manage. This brings a sub-menu with "Other Versions" as an option. That gives you a list of old versions to install.
I'd uninstall the newest one first, though. I'm finding that multiple versions don't co-exist all that well.
199 votes
Oz supported this idea ·
22 votes
Oz supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Oz commented
Customizable zoom levels would be very helpful. For our work, there are large gaps between useful zoom levels and half of the available zoom levels are useless to us. They're either zoomed way too far out to get anything done, or zoomed too close for our needs.
The ability for the user to add additional zoom levels at key points like 85% (about half-way between the existing 66.7% and 100% zoom levels) and 125% (half-way between 100% and 150%) would be a thousand times more useful than being able to zoom out to 3%. Is a 3% zoom level useful for anybody's workload? That turns the entire enormous work area into about 1/8th of my 1080P display.
Wouldn't the area marked in the attached screenshot be the sweet spot for many/most workloads, with the rest being used only occasionally? I'd love to be able to trade the ones I never touch for zoom levels I would use every day.
55 votes
The choice of the type of a symbol is sticky in the latest version of Illustrator. If a user toggles it to Static, it remains Static when another symbol is created — and vice versa.
An error occurred while saving the comment Oz commented
Being able to change the default symbol type to 'Static' instead of 'Dynamic' would be great. Dynamic symbols can cause scaling issues here and there's never a case where my team WANTS our symbols to be dynamic.
Oz supported this idea ·
Heck, if the extra features were plug-ins Adobe could even monetize them. 50 cents/month here, $1.99 there. Pay à la carte for the decade's extra features you want or you can pay the basic price for the fast, lightweight base program.
I bet this would be a popular option. I'd be ecstatic, as I'm sure most of us in this thread would be, with fast performance and none of the frills we never use.