Select > Same > Font (Size/ Style/ Typeface / Size& Style / Size and Typeface)
Extend the select menu items to include options for selecting type variations.

Now available in the latest release, version 26 (2022) and higher. Please let the team know in the comments if you have any problems with that.
Mark Nicoll commented
Other scripts include 'Select Same Text Size', 'Select Same Typeface' and my own addition; 'Select Same Text Size and Typeface and Colour.jsx'
If you want those too, just ask and I'll post them on the Adobe Forums.
Mark Nicoll commented
Years ago, on the Cartotalk forums (which have since gone down), someone (?) posted a set of font selection scripts. When recorded as an action and bound to an F key, they meet this need entirely.
Select Same Text Size and Typeface.jsx
if ((app.activeDocument.selection.length == 1) && (app.activeDocument.selection[0].typename == "TextFrame")) {
var selectedText = app.activeDocument.selection[0];
var textObjects = app.activeDocument.textFrames
var numTextObj = textObjects.length;
for ( j = 0 ; j < numTextObj; j++ ) {
if(textObjects[j].textRange.length > 0 && textObjects[j].editable==true && !textObjects[j].locked && !textObjects[j].hidden ){
if ( selectedText.textRange.characterAttributes.size == textObjects[j].textRange.characterAttributes.size ){
selCValue = ;
txtCValue = textObjects[j] ;
if (selCValue == txtCValue ) {
textObjects[j].selected = true;
} else {
alert ("You must only have a single text object selected");
} -
Anonymous commented
YES PLEASE!! This would be so helpful - why doesn't it exist yet?!
pmoss313 commented
May I be so bold as to suggest that the Adobe PTB can't think of artists as both creative and functional? Like, jumping between both Illustrator and InDesign should cover all the bases, right? We're subjected to their either/or mentally. Sorry for the rant. My anger/resentment/frustration was after 58 minutes trying to get my Acrobat DC bug fixed, only to have them tell me "We're experiencing technical difficulties today..." rrrrrrg!! If you want to be the End All Be All, you gotta start letting go of the f*ing nickels and dimes, people!! Think of the Big Picture, Adob's!!
Janina Kartograph commented
Bitte fügen Sie endlich eine spezifischere Auswahloption hinzu.
Es gibt tausende Features, die dieses Programm beherrscht! Aber nach dem Aufkauf von FreeHand ist es nicht mal möglich eine Auswahl innerhalb einer Ebene nach Schriftgröße oder Schriftart zu machen!? Ich weiß dass seit Jahren viele User danach fragen, aber passiert ist noch immer nichts. In den alten Versionen haben zumindest die freien Script funktioniert - das geht ja nun auch nicht mehr (geschweige denn, dass man überhaupt noch eine FreeHand-Datei konvertieren kann!!!)
Die Arbeit mit vielen Schriften etc. ist nunmal das tägliche Handwerk eines Kartographen und zwingend erforderlich - FreeHand bot hier zig Möglichkeiten zur Auswahl!
Bitte bitte rüstet hier endlich nach!!! -
A duplicate of
Please vote there too -
Oliver commented
It would be awesome if we could in Illustrator select text objects that use same font/font family.
Mark Nicoll commented
I've no doubt many thousands of us have had this exact thought, and lots of related ones regarding inaccessible functionality, over the years (decades)
R.A. Allman commented
It was me. I posted the OG suggestion so many years ago I can't remember when
Mark Nicoll commented
I don't mean to sound ungrateful (but do see the fourth post below this one)...
I posted this request in 2017, before I was aware of the now-infamously-famous search and select text scripts from the cartotalk forums*. I've since - by necessity - done much more of my own scripting. Since they fixed the scripts-bound-to-actions bug, we can bind these sort of commands to F keys. So, to me, "fixing" this issue is just a sweet nothing. Adobe is only paying attention to it because it now has a few votes.
The real problem is all the commands that are completely inaccessible even through scripting. Adobe would be doing us a far greater service if they put their attention into exposing more functionality that way. It's a very long list, but I'd start with, for instance, appearance attributes (additional strokes and fills, arrowheads), effects, and isolation mode.
*sadly the cartotalk forums are down so I can't credit the original author of those scripts. Suffice to say, EVERYONE here should go and get themselves those scripts, then set up an actionset with F keys for quick access.
Anonymous commented
Hi Varun,
I can't download a beta version to look at what you are suggesting - its just too risky to my business.
All we need is to be able to select text based on text attributes like font size / font / style
i.e under the select/same menu item a further flyout menu that has by font / size / style / colour -
Anonymous commented
Bumping this back up in 2021. PLEASE DO THIS ADOBE!
John Reynolds commented
Mark and Manuel, I completely agree. It seems we get endless updates showing us how we can draw hummingbirds with transparent wings over a river containing lillypads, but we can't get actual, useful tools to do what pays the bills. These requests are simple, direct and should be easy to deploy from a development standpoint. I don't know why they are continually ignored, for years on end.
Oh. And as a side beef, I'm updating 150 charts from a report that's two years old, and you can just IMAGINE the fun I'm having with the ca. 2005 technology that drives the charting engine. It's an absolute blast. Not.
Manuel Garcia commented
I understand Mark.
I guess you are right. I am just a bit ****** off and surprised about the lack of attention or resources Adobe is able to put to fix these issues especially when I compare it with what the Blender community is doing with Blender and the pace at which they are improving their software.
Probably it can not be compared but I wish it would be an InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop Blender-like community.Thanks for your comment Mark.
Mark Nicoll commented
Manuel - I'm not holding out any hope whatever of Adobe paying attention to this. As far as they're concerned it's a trivial matter to make search and select scripts. In fact, at this stage, I'd consider it a bit of a piss-take if they were to address this feature before addressing the more fundamental problems with accessing features through the document object model. For instance, any appearance settings on an object beyond a single stroke and a single fill are inaccessible (including extra strokes and fills, all effects and arrowheads). Graphic styles are only half implimented generally, and are useless via scripting. And so on...
At least with features like this we can sort ourselves out :|
Manuel Garcia commented
Any comments or we should trust in Script and plugin developers as always?
Anonymous commented
Is there any update from developer's?
aaron commented
LETS GO!!!!!
R.A. Allman commented
Come on Adobe!
It's been 3 years since this comment was posted.
Do it all ready!!! -
Michi commented
********, how does this not already exist!