Make rulers bigger in with larger UI scales
I know Illustrator has the 'For High PPI Displays . . .' option for higher scale factors but, that is reliant on the OS custom graphic scaling.
1 - Either allow for custom/pre-set ruler size or
2 - Make it like Photoshop.

Related to another request:
Make size of artboard number/name label change with the UI size slider -
Gary commented
Uwhooooooo Adobe. How about a fix for the tiny text on the ruler, I had to go out and buy a magnifying glass to be able to see. Need a way to adjust it, give some options.
Adobe 2023 on my 4k, teeny tiny
Janek Bevendorff commented
Definitely an issue with fractional scaling on Windows10/11 in all Adobe apps, including Illustrator, Photoshop, and Lightroom. The effects are always a little different. In Illustrator, the rulers are tiny. In Photoshop, most things look fine, but sometimes the cursor size is messed up. In Lightroom, everything is broken.
Some things can be fixed by overriding the scaling settings in Windows, but Lightroom remains a hot mess. Using an integer scaling (100% or 200%) gets rid of the problems as well, but then everything is either way too small or way too big.
I think this is more a bug than a feature request and should be moved in a different branch.
Marc Christiansen commented
this is still an issue, please fix
Tonia Suarez commented
I'd like to see the font size of the rulers have the option of a sliding scale. The numbers are super tiny. While zooming in is great to be able to be more precise, it doesn't do any good when you still can't actually read the ruler because the font is too small to see. Also, when zooming in, it would be nice if 1/8" and 1/16" marks would become apparent on the ruler the further in you zoomed
Stephanie Cervi commented
Illustrator on the left, Photoshop on the right.
Stephanie Cervi commented
I use a Wacom Cintiq and the rulers are way too small to see clearly. I don't want to scale the rest of the UI because even going up one step on the slider makes everything too big. This isn't a problem in Photoshop or InDesign, just Illustrator.
Screenshot in comments.
Dmitry commented
Same pls fix. Windows 10
Christopher commented
Attached are the ruler in Illustrator and InDesign at 100%. At the next higher UI scale, the ruler is readable but icons and text become too large.
applephx commented
If I increase the UI to the next highest setting, the ruler is a bit large but everything else is huge!
Gabriel Leni commented
It's super tiny and almost useless, I have to use a looking glass to see what's going on. Please allow users to increase the size of the ruler UI ! It's Nov-2020. Adobe's software is dragging behind and becoming outdated.
Christo Boshoff commented
Same Please fix
Christo Boshoff commented
Please! I can barely see what they say...
Anonymous commented
Hi, is there meanwhile any kind of solution available?
Did anyone from Adobe take care?
(Have the same issue on my Win 10 4K System.) -
Clint commented
Please add a preferences setting to increase the size of rulers. When using a 4K monitor the rulers are so tiny that I have to set my monitor to display at 175% in order to read them at all.
Anonymous commented
Same here, still no fix on version 23.1 in 2019. I am on Windows 10, viewing on a 4K screen at 3840x2160 resolution. The problem persists whether I have the Windows 'size of text, apps, and other items' setting at my preferred 175% or their recommended 150% value. It may be of interest that I happen to have another, lower resolution, screen used in 'extend' mode: moving illustrator to that screen the rulers appear normal scale.
Breno commented
Same here. Still no fix.
Jason commented
Windows 10 on Surface Pro 4 @ 175% (2736 x 1824)
Just downloaded the newest version of Illustrator CC (23.0.1 - 64 bit)
Everything about the UI seems the same, except the ruler numbers are too small to see! (Everything else seems the same as it has been for the past few years, except this.) Changing the UI Scaling in Preferences from small to medium makes everything else way too big (again, it's only the ruler that's too small...but it's very important!) And changing the resolution on my screen of course doesn't help either. It's simply the relative size of the ruler numbers compared to the rest of the UI. The palettes and toolbar icons and menu text, etc. are all fine. -
d commented
2019 version, tried UI interface, on iMac retina the small setting is too small and very hard to see. The next step up is so big can only fit 1/2 the panels on screen. I know it seems we are never happy but is there a way to get something in between?