Select objects in Layers panel by dragging through items (or target or selection markers) with a modifier held
In older versions of Illustrator you could go to the layer panel and Cmd/Ctrl drag on the circle icons to select multiple objects really fast. Would love to have this back as it wasn't replaced with anything else and a lot of times I need to select objects on the layer panel and not the canvas.

In the latest releases this is somewhat back. You can now use Shift and Ctrl with a click in target circles to select ranges and add/remove from the selection. No dragging though, but it’s still is much better then it used to be recently.
Anonymous commented
In a previous version (10 or 15 years ago?), there WAS a way to drag across the layer names to select them (in the Layers panel). I don't recall if it was (OPTION + drag) or (CTRL + drag), but I would certainly love to have that shortcut again. Having to SHIFT + click on each one is a pain, even if you only have a handful of layers.
Anonymous commented
Seriously. Just did the update to 2020 and this STILL doesn't exist??? Throwing my hands up in despair!
Anonymous commented
Used to be able to select multiple objects by (I think it was) shift/opt/dragging on the multiple bullets. This isn't available in 22.1 version. Actually, it hasn't been for awhile. Can't understand ditching this. For drawing complex objects with multiple similar strokes (say for instance, the hairs on a dog) one can't "select same". Also difficult to select the whole layer, and then unselect. Please, please, please! Bring back this feature! WHY would you disable it anyhow???