Cmd + H should hide Illustrator on Mac
Yes, CMD-H should be standardized across all of your programs. And kindly take Freehand out of its vault, study its pen/curve tool(s), and make Illustrator's pen tool work as well as Freehand's did.

Simone commented
even deleting the cmd+H combination from the shortcuts it does not work.
Alt+click on the desktop doesn't work either. -
Dominic commented
It messes up my workflow, too. Command+H do this job in other Adobe software except Illustrator.
Ah, it is something Mac-related then.
Still don’t get it :D
For me Ctrl+H hides edges. -
Anonymous commented
Hi Egor, My question is related more specifically towards a missing "command-H" key stroke. You can "hide" Illustrator, but you have to go up to the pulldown menu to do so, unlike PS and ID.
What is 'command-hide' and what does it do?
Anonymous commented
Photoshop, InDesign and other Adobe apps have a "command-hide" feature. Why is it missing from Illustrator?
Alberto commented
Good Morning,
I miss in illustrator the shortcut hide command + H and not have to go to file / hide which is uncomfortable.
Thank you -
..gecko commented
Why is this so difficult?.... Adobe gets so much of everyones money but It's like Adobe teams don't collaborate and more importantly they don't care about you as a creative..... Such a large corporation seems to have leadership issues to say the least but that is what the world is coming to...Look around you. If they don't care should you????......sad.
Shad commented
I'm another vote for hiding with CMD-H or even CTL+CMD-H. Please. It's not as though the product team is not aware. At this point, it feels like the Illustrator team is having a little fun with us - an inside joke to the team. "Hehe, we STILL haven't provided a shortcut to hide the app but let's make sure they can still hide ALL other apps. Designers are pathetic."
cade commented
absolutely. ALL other UI features for Mac apps and even adobe apps have CMD-H as hide app default. no reason illustrator should not be that way.
YES I know you can change it but why should I have to when default for others is CMD-H. truly stupid adobe.
It is so freeking annoying that whoever sets it up in any other way is clearly not a frequent user but merely an engineer or coder. ridiculous after all these years, upgrades. truly stupid and not listening to users.
Kevin Prutzman commented
Note, you can create a keyboard shortcut to make it the Cmd+H. That's what I did and love it!
Mark Buchler commented
Cmd+H should hide the program
Anonymous commented
Virtually ALL OTHER Adobe applications support the Mac function to Hide and application with the keyboard shortcut Cmd-H ... except Illustrator... why this inconsistency? Fix it!!!!
Nick commented
How long has Illustrator been a software and how long have people been baffled by this lack of a simple feature? WHAT'S TAKING SO LONG?!
Marc Simpson commented
Yes, very frustrating that Illustrator does not conform to this standard. Drives me crazy every time I use it. Its a key way I stay focussed. And every time with Illustrator only, I need to stop what I'm doing, and have to manually hide it.
Jaro commented
The lack of this feature is really frustrating. In so many application including a lot of Adobe application CMD+H is hiding the application. Are there any plans in adding this feature in de near future?
Eric Fitzgerald commented
In Photoshop and InDesign we have the ability to hide the default application frame under the Window menu. Please return this option to Illustrator. It really messes up my workflow.
UserMac commented
Cannot HIDE Illustrator CC 2018 (and earlier versions) with Command H in Mac as can be done with any other application, including Adobe ones like Acrobat Pro DC 2018 or Photoshop CC 2018. it would be useful it that could be implemented. Thanks.
cade commented
CMD-H should be HIDE ILLUSTRATOR -- it is so fricking annoying that this is not fixed yet. Really inefficient and time wasting that it is not. What is up w/ you guys -- especially the mac os x interfaces/panels/etc. Read up much on UX for macs? sheesh. this is a hateful (lack of) feature you have devised (or not employed). Ridiculous it is not fixed after all these versions since it once worked -- like the other adobe apps.