Symmetry tool for adobe illustrator 2018
There is a symmetry tool for adobe photoshop 2018. But if you add the tool also in the illustrator we can make some great vector designs. Because sometimes we need to copy an object from a design and paste it as a mirror of the object. if you kindly add the tool it will be very helpful for the designers......

Hi Everyone,
We have added this in January 2021 release (version 25.1).
Please see this link to know more:
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback
Markus van der Westhuizen commented
Dr Missile, this is possible in Illustrator...
Create a square much larger than your artboard —> Align Centre.... you could also add a guide to the centre if that will help. Click the target (circle) next to the layer to target the entire layer and content
Effect > Distort and Transform > Transform...
Select Reflect X > OK
Effect > Distort and Transform > Transform...
Angle 60º; Copies 5 > OK
Lock the sub-layers containing the guide and square so you don't move them by accident.Use the pencil tool or any drawing tool to create something on the layer. It will reflect and so symmetry.
If you want more or less repetitions you can do the math for that or you could even add more transforms on.
Play around a little... the possibilities are endless. I use the layer style feature all the time.
The repeat tool is pretty cool and I think in combination with the Layer Style feature it could bring some more cool effects.
DrMissile commented
This is cool. I will say though that the strength of the photoshop symmetry tool is that it allows for real time symmetrical painting. Wish the illustrator one was more similar to that. This is more similar to XD’s repeat object. Useful yes, but doesn’t solve the problem of being able to create symmetrical vector illustrations in real time. Even prior to the update I was able to convert an object to a component, then dupe it via mirror, end edit one half by modifying the component.
Marc Heatley commented
I think the repeat tool is exactly what I was hoping for. Thanks for letting us know Gary.
Gary Bradley commented
On 7th January, Adobe added a new feature called Repeat which can be found under Object> Repeat. This will allow you to edit artwork using the symmetry of live instances in a radial, grid or mirrored arrangement. It was a feature first added to the initial release of illustrator on the iPad but has now quietly made its way onto the desktop version. I've created a rundown of this new feature on the following link.
Clayton Shima commented
Nah, not needed, you already can do it in current Illustrator.
ahmadyousefdev commented
a lot of the other new apps with less price have this feature. This is a very important tool that I need to have. I'm using the transform effect and it's not that good and easy like the one click tool in Photoshop.
Markus commented
Yes please! I use symmetry features all the time in my work. I have done some things with layer styles and effects, it would be so much simpler to be able to have a feature that can be switched on and off, and be changed in order to do this work.
Anup Majumder commented
Illustrator need a new feature -which is ''SYMMETRY", as Symmetry is a graphic design principle, but this software doesn't have that. 99 % of illustration and design are symmetrical in some way. Photoshop has symmetry functionaries, but Illustrator doesn't have. So in the next update we all end user are waiting for those cool updates !
RY commented
A good mirroring feature has been needed for illustrator for over a decade. Please add it soon.
In Reply to Egor's comment about third-party plug-ins that already perform this function:
Some people are limited by their employers purchasing policies that for various reasons will not permit the purchase of third-party plug-ins. -
Jade Elizabeth commented
I've been forced to use other programs for this, then bring those into IL to trace. It's extremely time consuming.
Emma Cole commented
I can't believe that this still isn't a native feature in Illustrator, come on Adobe!
Gemma Weirs commented
I would love this in Illustrator. It's a must-have for my toolbox. I create SVG files for digital cutters like the Cricut Maker and this would come in so handy for vector mandala-inspired designs. Currently, there's a lot of faffing about to get setup for drawing mandalas in Illustrator. We need a symmetry mode with the same modes available in PS.
Anonymous commented
Yes please do this. It's implemented in photoshop, but it would make so much more sense in Illustrator
Petit Belge commented
You can do it with 'Live Mirror Drawing' but this should be a basic (essential) tool in Illustrator!
Anonymous commented
Illustrator could show the symmetry drawing results in really real time, as Affinity Design does.
Anonymous commented
An essential tool that is in many other drawing programs. I have spent hours trying to get things symmetrical. Please add
Anonymous commented
Yeah would be really cool, it's implemented in Photoshop, why not in Illustrator?
Anonymous commented
I really need this. There have been too many times where I need to create some kind of icon that requires a mandala-like symmetry tool, and for Photoshop to have it now, but not Illustrator, is just annoying.
Benjamin Weiler commented
Astute Graphics MirrorMe is very reliable and flexible for this, but native would always be preferred. A lot of my trainees do the Ctrl+Alt+Shift+J samba hundreds of times per day just because there is no symmetry.
Jesus David Blanco commented
exist a plugin call mirrormirror and affinity designer have this option, but i think thats this feacture it should be natively in illustrator