Make blend profiles (acceleration) and better blend controls
Blend tool in AI is weak.
Please add acceleration for both attributes and positions for blended objects, as other competitors do.
Remove positioning by Bezier tension, people hardly use it (watch forums), — make separate curve control for it (or at least sliders!)

A related request:
Allow to convert a live blend into Objects on Path -
Yasir, can you show this dialog, please, or record a video?
Is it this one? It does not set acceleration it just allows to change a number of steps. The transition is still linear.What we actually mean with this is more like the other image attached.
Yasir commented
Actually there is one.
Draw a line, duplicate it and move away an inches, shortcut W for Blend tool, once you hoover over the second line hit option and click, a window opens and then you can hit arrow keys up or down..
It’s on my illustrator 2023 -
Margaret Trauth commented
**** i just saw the gif of how Xara does this that you posted in the prerelease forums, I want this so bad now, it'd make using blends for quick distribution of things along perspective *so* much easier
Aleksei Koren commented
Here is the example.
I understand that I can build this in Perspective mode, but in some case, when I need to quickly do it over existing photo, it takes a lot of effort to establish perspective right, or I might not have enough information, so I just have to do it by how it feels right. But blend tool is not making it easy. -
Aleksei Koren commented
Is it possible to make the blend tool more intuitive, similar to new gradient tool? For example, that we can drag "the middle point" on the path to shift the blend towards one or another side (to create illusion of objects getting smaller in perspective with less space between them). Right now you can sort of do that with curved paths by adjusting the anchor handles, but it takes a long time or even impossible to do that with the straight path. And maybe add a function to add new shapes at specific points of the path (like dragging a shape over the blend and maybe plus sign appearing on the path indicating that we can "drop the shape" at that point of the blend path).
gabe mccool commented
When blending lines there should be an option( i.e. Slider or option + arrow similar to kern adjustments with text) to adjust spacing when trying to achieve depth....
Monika Gause commented
... and above all: working controls for blends. The existing controls often just don't work well. The in-between paths don't look as desired at all. On top of that controls like increasing/decreasing the density of in-betweens along the blend path would be nice.