"Edit original with" option needed or ability to set a default program for Illustrator only
Clicking on "Edit original" for jpgs etc. within Illustrator opens the image in the OS default program for that file type (ie. Preview on Mac). I don't wish to change the system wide default as it isn't practical to open PS to view every jpg, but there is no option to "Edit original with…" as there is in InDesign within Illustrator. There is no work around within the program at all.
IN short: ADD AN EDIT ORIGINAL WITH MENU OPTION or allow us to set a program only default!!

We are working towards giving preference to Photoshop for editing linked images, if Ps is installed. This may mean the label showing as ‘Edit on Photoshop’ when an linked image is selected. The change does not affect OS level file type associations.
Aida commented
Why Paint, why not Photoshop? -_-
mhdesigns commented
Yes Please
Shannon Reinholdt commented
I want to be able to edit jpeg images in illustrator to open directly in photoshop and not paint when edit original button is selected. However, I do NOT want all jpeg images on my hard disk to be designated as photoshop files. I want my photos to continue to open up in the image previewer. Therefore changing the edit original "route" should be a preference setting that can be applied uniquely to the user's preference so they can open up the images in the app of their choice from illustrator.
Dan Longhurst commented
This didn't use to be an issue, I used to be able to preview jpegs without opening photoshop to view a misc image AND be able to edit an image within photoshop! What happened?
Anonymous commented
Make it easier to open linked files with their originator - Photoshop and NOT preview.
Stephen commented
This would be great. A way to override the OS Preference would be amazing and save plenty of time.
Keremcan commented
This is exactly what i need on Illustrator.
Anonymous commented
I'm just surprised this hasn't got more votes...not having this function is making me crazy! Please, please, please and thank you!
Rob Hutchings commented
Definitely needs an option for a local overide within Illustrator as my company has locked me out from editing the "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations\image\shell\edit\command" Registry key to be able to set the global edit to Photoshop.
LRSmith commented
Agree, please add for all Adobe applications. I recall there at one time there was edit with (drop-down menu with options). I don't want to launch Photoshop just to look at a jpeg.
Simon Kaliro commented
Yes please
Hélène David-Cuny commented
Totally agree with the comments, this is basic necessity for graphists. Sometimes we need only a quick preview of our images and this is why we choose the adequate software as default application in the finder, but in Adobe we need to be able to access quickly the serious graphic software !
James commented
Necessary improvement x10000
Ash commented
Please, please do this. I'm sure that Illustrator used to be able to edit files in Photoshop, whilst the OS viewed the files with the default viewer. It works in Bridge and others, why not Illustrator?
Numb Beyond Belief commented
Still no movement on this issue? - REALLY?
This is a basic function that is, not only, currently available with InDesign - but was featured over two decades ago from Illustrator's then competitor MacroMedia Freehand, which Adobe then acquired. An ongoing irritant for nearly 20 years now and with the innumerable updates Illustrator has gone through during that time - this is still overlooked. The basis for the coding should be readily available to them via InDesign or the old acquired Freehand software, it just appears the lack of will or care to even implement it. -
Angelica commented
YES PLEASE include this feature, it's so important for smooth workflow! It's available in InDesign. Why not in Illustrator?
Anonymous commented
I absolutely agree that this should be changed in Illustrator itself and it's crazy that this is a thing. However, there IS a workaround that actually works perfectly: https://medium.com/@fooontic/how-to-change-edit-original-in-illustrator-to-photoshop-21cabb1e67bf
Anonymous commented
Please please please can you add this functionality - its absence costs me minutes in my workflow!
Adomas commented
Why this problem is still not fixed??? Don't Adobe realize it's a problem? How many votes do you need to fix this? There's no workaround!
Anonymous commented
It's driving me insane that I can't set illustrator to edit original in photoshop, the application i created the original file in.