Smart Guides when hovering over object and holding Cmd / Ctrl
In Photoshop, when you hover over an object and hold Cmd / Ctrl, there is a distance display. Please add this in Illustrator.

The latest Illustrator build (v29.2) now offers a way to see the distances between a selected object and an object hovered over / edges of an artboard.
- Click on the object you want to measure the distance from
- Press Opt/Alt and hover over the object that you want to measure distance to
- You can also hover over empty area to see the distance from the selected object and the artboard boundaries
Please try it and come back with the feedback.
John Marstall commented
It feels like Illustrator is the only design app on my machine that doesn't have this feature. I'm more used to doing it with the Option key, but I'll take any of these.
Miles Stevens commented
Yeah I never understood why Photoshop—a raster-based application known for digital painting and photo manipulation—got this feature before Illustrator. I have all kinds of thoughts on people using Ps for UI/logo/icon work suited for a vector-based application (like, you know, Illustrator) and Adobe erroneously enabling the somewhat misguided use of their apps by bloating the **** out of Ps with features, but I'll spare you.
San commented
Exact! The current measure tool is not that precise nor practical, because involves unnecessary interaction (non snapping dragging) .
I think that the display of measures should emulate the one from Figma, with a simple alt+rollover:'m so used to it, that not having it in Illustrator has become increasingly frustrating
This would be practical for everybody, specially UI designers.
LNMB commented
You can do this on an individual basis with the measure tool (bundled under the eye-dropper tool) - unless you're asking for something different?
Anonymous commented
The ability to measure the distance (redlining) between objects is the only missing feature that makes me hesitant to design in Illustrator because the current way I do it adds additional unnecessary steps to make sure the spacing is perfect.
Anonymous commented
Dimension tool just like Adobe XD, when we press the option button from MAC, space show between two object.
behnam sobhkhiz commented
I think it would be cool if illustrator would provide a way to measure the distance between objects (shapes, lines, type, etc.).
Photoshop has a useful feauture — it shows the distance between currently held object and adjacent one, when you hold Control.
(I couldn’t capture these annotations on video, sadly).AI just doesn't.
It can detect similar gaps between objects, show offset from current position, but not distances to neighbors.And it even doesn't show offsets when you use snap to grid (with Smart guides on).
Please, make snaps great again.