Chart tool: overriding value axis
The chart tool breaks when trying to override the axis values when the data numbers are too large. I think it's for any numbers over 1,000,000 but it might be lower (I have not explored it that much.) Checking the override tick box will set the maximum number to 2147483 (maybe that is the number it breaks at) and will skew the chart badly.

Hi Wes,
Thanks for explanation. I got it. This is a feature request, so I am moving this thread to feature request section.
nacinla commented
I'm trying to build a stacked bar chart with values in the millions, but the default caps at 214,000+. Other users have noticed this. It's astonishing Adobe has not fixed this as of May 2021. I mean, how difficult could it be?
Matthew King commented
As usual, Anish steps in with the ******** "we'll put this is in the feature request so we can ignore the chart tool for the entire life of the product for an eternity" excuse.
JimDandy commented
Same issue here, I just multiplied the amounts by 5% in order to accommodate the limitations. You can add a text label along the edge of the axis to indicate "Millions" or whatever makes sense. In my case, I deleted the axis number for my chart entirely.
I am also having this same issue. I cannot override past that "maximum number". I know the graph will show data that goes above the 2147483 max. I have a graph that shows the max currently @8,000,000 but it ill not let me override the values to display an additional value axis UNLESS i input fake data. However, that changes the size of the overall graphic!
Anonymous commented
I would like to be able to automatize bar chart max and have an idicator that the value is over the end of the bar like we can see on this page:'ve been in contact with your support team and he told me it is currently impossible.
Wes Rand commented
I guess if you want to classify it as a feature rather than a bug, sure.
Lindsey Thomas Martin commented
This is another of the limitations of the graphing tool to be added to the list at Improve Graph / Chart tool. There is a limit on the size of numbers that can be input in the data panel and, as discussed here, the override settings. I often have to manipulate the units of the incoming data to work around this limitation.
Wes Rand commented
Hi, Anish-
I might be confused about the question. Initially I thought you were asking why I would want to override the axis values (There are multiple reasons for that. Often it's because I want different markings than the default (fewer or more hash marks.) Sometimes I'm working with a series of charts and I want all the values axis to line up. Occasionally I'll want the top hash mark to be lower or higher than the default.)
But now, rereading your comment, I'm wondering if you're asking me why I want the axis values to be so much lower than the data numbers? If that is your question then I think you misunderstood my problem. I DON'T want the axis values to be that much lower than the data. But Illustrator will not let me set the override values to be inline with the data. It appears to have a cap on how high the axis numbers can be set when doing an override. Which is why the chart I sent you has the lines riding so far off the artboard. I don't want that but that is what Illustrator demands.
Hi Wes,
Thanks for sharing the file. I am able to reproduce the issue. Can you please let me know why you want to override the labels when your values are much more than that?
Anish -
Thanks Wes for sharing the file. I am trying to isolate the issue. Will update you once I find the root cause of the problem.
Anish -
Wes Rand commented
I have emailed the file along with the data set I used. It was just a quick chart using the default line chart tool in Illustrator.
Wes Rand commented
See if this link shows the screen captures of the problem:
Wes Rand commented
I recreated the chart from the data I was a having a problem with. I don't see any function here to post files in replies. How should I share it with you?