Add 3D space navigator / mouse (3dconnexion) compatibility
I would like to be able to pan and zoom with my space navigator 3D mouse.

Allen commented
There are so many ways my space mouse would help in Ai, it's a shame it's not natively supported. The product has been around a long time now, so it's worth the investment by Adobe.
Joost Hopmans commented
Ah yes, this would be great!
I am switching from solidworks to AI a lot and this would be so much better!
Please add this functionality. -
Micek Design commented
Please add this Adobe, it would make it so much faster and easier to use your product.
iviansur commented
Yes, please!
Oliver Thomas commented
Please please add this. I jump between CAD and Illustrator frequently and this would greatly improve my experience in Illustrator.
Arved Schätzler commented
As a Illustrator Power User since Version 3.1 after 30 Years i would aprecciated to implement functions to the connexion spacemouse wireless , and better control for individual programming the buttons. I also use the Logi keys craft Keyboard. The wheel ist nice, but the individuality for own needs ist not avaible (for example "rotating objects, or artboard"...) a little bit "too rigid" - These individual human input devices will getting more and more important in the workflow, like VR devices in 3d cad software in time and future. Programming these drivers would be a great joint venture for the software producers ...
L Rodman commented
As a daily illustrator user with disabilities (and a space mouse enterprise that doesn’t work in illustrator), this would be very helpful to me.
Brad E. commented
My daily workflow with Illustrator would be greatly improved if I could use my 3Dconnexion Spacemouse to pan/zoom. The built-in zoom controls are very dated and clunky for a leading 2023 product.
Brad E. commented
My daily workflow with Illustrator would be greatly improved if I could use my 3Dconnexion Spacemouse to pan/zoom. The built-in zoom controls are very dated and clunky for a leading 2023 product.
L Rodman commented
Pease add this. Thank you. I have physical disabilities and this would really help me.
Simon commented
Please add this Adobe, it would make it so much faster and easier to use your product.
David Barbeau commented
Adobe, annual reminder: please add/allow 3D mouse functionality.
<3 Human
MM, welcome to UserVoice.
As the status now said, you can now toggle the option to have zoom with the mouse wheel. It took the team long enough to do that, I agree.
Sure, if a topic is named '3D Mouse Support' instead of 'Make mouse wheel zoom' it brings less voters :) Anyway, now it’s done, hooray, use it!As for having Zoom icon as a separate tool... Sure it will stay. There are thousand of users who uses it. Ain’t broken — don’t fix it. They are used to this button.
Please comment and vote for other requests you find useful to have, review bug reports. It helps a ton to prioritize efforts.
MM commented
I could not believe there was a zoom icon in a 2022 subscription software called Illustrator. How quaint! Seriously, bring the program into the 21st century, please. Design time comes at a premium and support for a separate navigation tool on the left hand such as the spacemouse with the regular mouse on the right hand for command selection is a real time saver and avoids carpal tunnel by avoiding 60% of clicks and scrolls for navigation. It can't be that hard to create an interface like that. Autodesk has adopted it for good reason. Video editing has their own hardware for color selection etc. Get on the wagon & be nice to us users. We want to be efficient and enjoy life.
Levi George commented
please make this a reality
Erik commented
3Dconnexion makes devices that have 6 axis of movement (a bit like a joystick). In CAD software these are as standard as a mouse. It is used to manipulate the object in 3D on the screen as if you were holding the object or as if you were holding a flying camera hovering around the object (your choice).
In 2D environments these devices can be used for moving the canvas top-down, left-right and for zooming. Additionally macro buttons are available on many of the devices.
Please make a driver / implementation for this. It seems that the 2D world is ignorant to the use of these products because their name starts with 3D. But it is really addictive. Using Adobe software feels like I am back in the 1900s without it.
Please try one, get hooked and make it work for Adobe software. -
Anonymous commented
I agree with everyone here. Just getting used to my 3d mouse and I keep switching from a 3d app to Ai and I'm constantly reaching for the 3d mouse.
Anonymous commented
Would love to see 3D CONNEXION space navigator compatability. Zoom and panning and adjustable sensitivity on the movements so it can be ramped up for those who are efficient with the space navigator. I use it a lot with 3D modelling software and during my day when I switch to illustrator, I am always reaching for the space navigator to zoom and pan.
P.S. Adobe you should totally get into the 3D modelling / rendering world and bring out a program.
Anonymous commented
#SingleInstance ignore
#IfWinActive ahk_exe Illustrator.exe
;Switches Alt+Wheelup with Wheelup
send !{Wheelup}
;Switches Alt+Wheeldown with Wheeldown
send !{Wheeldown}
;Middle Mouse Button activates hand tool dragging.
Send, {Space down}{LButton down}
KeyWait, MButton
Send, {LButton up}{Space up}
Anonymous commented
Can you share your autoHotKey script ?