Center Pattern Command
Draw a vector shape and fill with a pattern, notice this is not centered. To do this is a long meticulous process prone to error.
Can we get an option in the Align panel to do this?

Jean-Michel Le Goff commented
It should also valuable if pattern shapes become smart rules and active helpers like it is for glyphs.
It may help to place more precisely patterns in a shape. -
I know two workflows to make this happen.
1. Enable smart guides
2. Grab the intersection of the rulers (the zero point) and drag it over the center of your object (assuming there is one, you can enable it in Attributes panel with Show Center), or to a chosen point on canvas. If your pattern is built with its center in the center of its module, this should effectively center the module in the object.
3. Cut the shape
4. Reset coordinates (or return them to their original position in cases you were not using the default zero). Make sure you have Transform Pattern Tiles option enabled in Preferences!
5. Paste the object
Now you have the pattern centered.
Just watch the GIF.Second.
Use a free script instead — Reset Pattern.jsx by Toshiyuki Takahashi (gau)
Download it from here: -
Anonymous commented
Precisely centering a pattern within an object is an arcane process that could be handled much better with just a couple options in the transform dialog box. Adjusting ruler origins and the like is obtuse and cumbersome.
^ This is a nightmare when all I want is to center a pattern.
Anonymous commented
yes please oh god